What Will You Do When “Normal” Happens?
I had gone through a divorce and found myself in a place I’d never planned for. What happened? Before I answer that question, did you know that divorce and broken relationships are “normal”. Actually there’s nothing strange about. In today’s society, it’s expected. Do you really expect the bliss of being newlyweds to last forever? Has the initial love you had for your significant other worn off? That too is “normal.” Take a poll or survey and you’ll find that is “normal”. And since it’s “normal”, we accept it.
Astronauts overcame “normal” beliefs that it was impossible to make it to the moon.
Sailors overcame the “normal” beliefs that the earth was flat, by navigating beyond any point ever ventured.
Scientists overcame “normal” beliefs that we could have light in every room without burning oil, by creating electricity.
Inventors overcame “normal” beliefs that people could never travel by air, and air-travel was born.
“Normal” happened.
What’s interesting about the points I made above is twofold:
- Normal beliefs are limiting beliefs and can be overturned.
- On the other side of “normal” are people who became extraordinary.
To answer my original question above, “what happened?” “Normal” happened! Now for the good part, just on the other side of my “normal” situation and your “normal” situation lies an “uncommon” destination. Reaching the moon, navigating the earth, discovering electricity, or inventing air-travel all started with beliefs that ordinary isn’t enough. When will you begin to believe with me that ordinary isn’t enough?
Being average comes naturally.
Mediocre is the default human setting.
Just by entering humanity, the starting point is ordinary.
You don’t have to do anything to be normal.
So to be more, all I need are instructions. I need to be taught how to become more. It’s not automatic. So it’s not going to happen by itself.
The difference
After my divorce, I decided that I was no longer okay with having a “normal, ordinary, like-everyone-else-kind-of” life. I found out that there are two types of behaviors, what’s “common” and what’s not “common”. To solidify my desire to become more, I ran across this scripture.
This directive given to priests and teachers of ancient days was the birth of something that we still need today. Caught by surprise as I read these words, two ideas emerged. Could it be that no one has to be taught how to be “normal” (1) and (2) we can be taught how to be uncommon? That’s when my life changed and a message was born, no-longer-common.
This is good news for everyone. You can be taught how to be more and that’s what I was created to do…to show others how to take their lives from average to above average; that’s my message. What do you have to lose? Nothing but “normal”.
Question: What would it take for you to make that next step to get beyond being just like everyone else? Leave me a comment or send me an email (click here).
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