Take Your First Step
Take your first step.
The uncommon become masters of taking steps. And the 1st step is the most important. Why? Because it’s the one “normal” people are unwilling to make. Making that first step takes all the courage. After that you always have to take another either forward or backwards. My grandmother told me, when she was teaching me to drive, that it’s easier to stir a moving car than it is to stir one that’s standing still. Try it. Turning the wheel is easier if the car is moving. So it goes in life, it’s easier to stir a life in motion than one that’s standing still, not going anywhere.
The uncommon realize that no one is going take that 1st step for them, for that matter any steps. Once you’ve learned to stop waiting on others, you’ll soon realize you have to make the steps to get where you want to go.
Whatever the reason
You’re following this blog for a reason. What could it be? Let me guess; I know. You want more from your life. You want something different. “Normal” is not okay after all. So I have a question for you, now what should you do? Take a 1st step. Leave a comment on this webpage. Whatever you do let me hear from you. I want to know what it is you’re tired of and I want to help you step away from that “normal” existence into an “uncommon” existence. Message me, leave me a comment. Don’t waste another day.
Let’s become extra-ordinary together.
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