The Holy One – Part 2

Three Examples of The Holy One

Who is this “Holy” One?

Have you ever asked a question that everyone knows the answer to, but no one really knows the answer or how to answer?  Who is The “Holy” One? In order to be uncommon (the short version of no-longer-common), you must be willing to go where very few go, say what very few will say and do what very few will do.  That’s what it means to be like no one else and to be “holy”. Here are three examples of what it truly means to be “holy”.

Holy People are Creators
What are you doing to show your greatness? What are you creating?

“I am the Lord, your Holy One, Israel’s Creator and King.”

“This is what the Lord says— the Holy One of Israel and your Creator…” –

God, Himself, has declared Himself The “Holy” One.  Even God must use this word to describe who and what He is.  He is our “Holy” One. “Holy” in this light simply means He did what no one could; He created you.  Being a creator made God unlike the rest and being a creator will make you unlike anyone else. The Bible says that He’s “Creator and King”.  There is no authority greater than Him. For this reason, He is one of a kind. Holy! In what way are you an authority, an expert or specialist?  What’s at least one gift you have to offer as a creator?

Holy People are Revealers of God
How have you revealed to others that you’re special and have gifts that no one around you has?

“No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God, is near to the Father’s heart. He has revealed God to us.” –

The Bible calls Jesus, the unique One.  This word unique is just another way to say He’s uncommon, unlike anyone else, “holy”.  But why is Jesus called the unique One. Well, I’ll tell you based on this verse alone. Anyone who has seen God, literally face to face is unique.  Anyone who Himself is God, even in human form, is unique. Anyone who can make God known to another must be more than an ordinary, average person…they’re unique.  Jesus is the unique One; He’s “holy”. What are you doing that says to others that your talent, gift, skill, is a gift from God? What are you doing that speaks of your uniqueness?

Holy People Make the Opposition Respect Them
What is the opposition saying when you show up?

Go away! Why are you interfering with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” –

Let me just out right say this and you can take it or leave it.  When a demon possessed person acknowledges you as the Holy One of God who can interfere with the demon’s plan, this person is definitely unlike any human-being I’ve ever come to meet.  What say you? If the demons recognize His power, greatness and uniqueness, so should we. In fact the best way for someone to acknowledge The Holy One is to work to be like Him, uncommon, unique, holy.  When you show up does the competition get nervous? Does your work out pace ordinary employees? Are your habits putting the normal person to shame?

Holy is not what you think!  
What are you doing to show your greatness? What are you creating?  How have you revealed to others that you’re special and have gifts that no one around you has?  What is the opposition saying when you show up? I’ll say it again: Holy is not what you think!

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