Fully Engulfed By the Flood

An Unprecedented Event – Part 4

Before you begin make sure you’ve completed the previous prayer-workout, click this link:
Part 3 – Quarantining is Our Only Answer

“After seven days, the waters of the flood came and covered the earth.” – bible.com/116/gen.7.10.nlt

In a matter of a short period of time, this disaster completely took the earth. For Noah it was seven days. For you it might have been a few weeks, but the earth was covered nonetheless.

“For forty days the floodwaters grew deeper, covering the ground and lifting the boat high above the earth. As the waters rose higher and higher above the ground, the boat floated safely on the surface. Finally, the water covered even the highest mountains on the earth,” – bible.com/116/gen.7.17-19.nlt

Noah and his family are in quarantine yet they knew their place of safety was surrounded by the effects of the disaster. Think about what happened during those first few days. They probably heard the screaming and calls from others. There were people trying to get a hold of the boat. There were animals floating by, as well as people. They heard things hitting their boat and could only assume it was bodies of both animals and people. How horrific do you think their pandemic could have been? They thought of relatives, other family members, coworkers, and friends who they’d recently been with and in a matter of a week all the people they knew were gone. They lost countless numbers of people who died in that short period of time. Every familiar place was now engulfed in water. Allow your thoughts to go here as you think about the disaster that surrounds you.

[Pray This]
Sometimes I just have to be thankful that I’m alive when I think about those who are not. I declare I’m thankful that I’m safe from the storm when I know that there are others who are not. Thank you that we’ve listened to Your voice for our family and are doing what You’re instructing us to do during this time. Otherwise what’s happening to others (those outside the boat) could have happened to us.

If you’d like to continue with the next prayer-workout, click this link:
Part 5 – Time to Ask God to Remember Us” 

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