From Negative to Positive
What Can You Do When the Rules Change? Part 3
From Negative to Positive
So often we have a negative attitude towards life. Nothing’s ever good enough. We don’t have enough money. Our family doesn’t meet our expectations. The list goes on and on. Normal is being negative. Normal sees the issues. Normal misses opportunities. This is why a start-over might be your best answer. Turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Start gaining positive momentum for your life by finding the good…even in bad situations. What? Find good even in the bad. Find the good even when no one else has anything good to say and offer. Yes, find it, look for it, seek it out.

When you do, you step out of ordinary. You see possibilities you’ve never seen before. You no longer make nor stop at just any old excuse. Most importantly you change from doing what everyone else does and that’s complain. This means you will no longer have predictable results, but extraordinary ones.
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? (Romans 8:31 NLT)
In every story documented in the Bible, it starts with people, who without God, struggle in life. With His help, He then turns it all around for them. He gives them a promised land that belonged to what seemed like undefeatable giants. God heals diseases that have no cure. He provides for the needs of His people even if it means making food appear from Heaven. He rescues them from their pain. He makes ways when there seems to be no way out at all. When you read the Bible with a new perspective-looking for the good-you’ll want what it has to offer and you can have it-an uncommon story. This is what it means to be no-longer-common, having a Bible-story ending.
The No-Longer-Common Action: What would happen if you could write your own ending to your story? Leave your response and comments on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
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