The 30-Thousand-Foot Prayer
A Higher Perspective of the Miracles We Pray
Praying for a Miracle – Part 5
I want to take a moment to speak to you on something we call “The 30-Thousand-Foot Prayer.” I will outline the details in a moment, but first we need a brief understanding. Have you ever (and I know you have) made such a big request of God that seemed impossible? A mountain-sized prayer? When we pray such, many times we keep our eyes on it from 30-thousand-feet in the air, so to speak. Therefore, it is very difficult for us to see any movement or what God is doing behind the scenes. In fact, it really is not behind the scenes, but rather down on the ground. Your perspective from 30-thousand-feet is not the same as what’s happening down on the ground.
So then, what does it mean to have a thirty-thousand-foot prayer?
- Understanding the 30-Thousand-Foot Prayer
For too long, we have heard people, our friends, and even our family say their prayer went unanswered. I also know too many folks who have given up on prayer, misuse it, and frankly just don’t know how to do it, pray that is. The 30-thousand-foot prayer is a prayer prayed where you want quick results, but the results you are looking for aren’t happening. In other words, it is taking too long. It is the prayer that requires more from you than you wish or know to put in. It is the prayer prayed that a person would rather blame God for what is happening than themselves. It is a prayer prayed and the answer given, but we will not follow God’s instructions that leads us to our request being answered. The 30-thousand-foot prayer is a prayer prayed that takes maturity. You have to grow up, grow into it, and put your big pants on. - Reasons for a 30-Thousand-Foot Prayer
The reasons for a 30-thousand-foot prayer are simple and common. They include and are not limited to the following:- Prayer is the only solution to your problem. You have exhausted all other possible alternatives.
- You are facing a desperate situation.
- You have received the worst news possible.
- The problem has fallen in your lap and impacts you severely.
- You feel as if God is not responding to your requests.
- The problem you face is too big for you.
- You are at your breaking point.
- 30-Thousand-Foot Prayers Take 30-Thousand-Foot Actions
We must discuss how the 30-thousand-foot prayer takes actions that a simple prayer does not. The 30-thousand-foot prayer will require a whole lot more out of you. You won’t be let off the hook to take actions of faith just because you prayed. Your work is just beginning. Prayer is the beginning of your work. A 30-thousand-foot prayer will require you to descend from 30-thousand-feet and get moving on the ground. It is a battle using prayer every step of the way. - The Work You Must Put Into the 30-Thousand-Foot Request
You might not know this, but there is work you must put into seeing your own 30-thousand-foot prayer answered. You will be surprised at what God will ask you to do when you are asking Him to do something, especially something this big. You won’t get to drop your prayer request off and run. The 30-thousand-foot prayer requires major involvement from you.
In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You cannot get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. [1] You cannot receive, until you do your part by giving. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part. Are you sure you want to ask God for something “big”? When you do, be ready to put some major work into it. - Facing the 30-Thousand-Foot Oppositions, Barriers, and Setbacks
I don’t want to scare you off, but you will battle opposition, barriers, and setbacks when you pray a 30-thousand-foot prayer. John C. Maxwell says that “everything worthwhile in life is uphill.” I believe this includes your prayer requests. The requests you have are worthwhile and therefore will be all uphill from here. If it were going to be simple, more people would pray these prayers, see results, and see their prayers answered. It would be normal, and it is not normal. This type of prayer will not only test you but grow you. However, take heart it is still prayer and prayer is our way to invite God into our situation. And as you know when God is for us, who can be against us. [2] - Defending Your 30-Thousand-Foot Prayer Request
When facing a 30-thousand-foot prayer, go ahead and prepare for predators, nay-sayers, and those who do not want to see you succeed. They are coming. So, you will have to defend your 30-thousand-foot prayers. Get ready, your requests and the actions you must take will be put to the test. Are you ready for it? If so, you are in a win-win situation. The 30-thousand-foot prayer is a win-win for you, if you are willing to see it through to the end. - See the 30-Thousand-Foot Prayer Through to the End
Are you dedicated enough to see your 30-thousand-foot prayer through to completion? Are you willing to see your prayer request through to the end? Most are not. In fact, in this fast-paced and impatient society of ours, if it is not quick then it is not worth waiting for. Well, I have some news for those with a 30-thousand-foot prayer and dream, be careful what you are asking for. A 30-thousand-foot prayer will not only be a challenge but will take time. The results of a 30-thousand-foot prayer usually don’t come all at once, but rather take time. Keep in mind that you are asking for God-sized answers. - After the 30-Thousand-Foot Prayer is Answered
What happens following the 30-thousand-foot prayer is answered, too, is unexpected. If you thought getting a 30-thousand-foot prayer answered was good news, it is what happens next or afterwards, that’s even better news. There is a benefit for enduring the work, the trials, and determination of seeing a 30-thousand-foot prayer beyond completion. Not only will a miracle have transpired, but a transformation in who you are as well. You go into a 30-thousand-foot prayer one way, but you come out a different way, come out at the next level.
The 30-thousand-foot prayer in and of itself is a personal request for a miracle. Many times, such a large request impacts many people, but it starts with one person. Regardless, this type of request is for the same type of works that Jesus did, He defied normal circumstances and that’s what we are after when we pray for the miracle of a 30-Thousand-Foot prayer. This miracle request is us being willing to ask anything in His name, and it being done for us. [3] The question is: are you willing to make the request and are you willing to participate? This is how we take praying for a miracle to the next level.
Questions: what 30-thousand-foot prayers can you think of that you have witnessed in your life?
[1] Matthew 6:14-15 NLT,, accessed October 18, 2023,
[2] Romans 8:31 NLT,, accessed October 18, 2023,
[3] John 14:12-14 NLT,, accessed October 18, 2023,
All Scripture references used by permission, see our Scripture copyrights.
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