The Default Excuse
What it Means to Be No longer Common? Part 4
The Default Excuse
Allow me to be frank. “Normal” is your default excuse. What do I mean by that?
When your family is “normal” what you’re saying is that my family is just like everyone else’s family. It’s the default excuse that keeps you from being different than the family down the street.
When your marriage is “normal” what you’re saying is that my marriage is like any ole other marriage. It’s the default excuse that keeps your marriage from being unlike any marriage the world will ever see.
When you’re okay with being an “average” employee what you’re saying is I’m okay with being hidden within the group. It’s the default excuse to being the leader on your team or being the best “whatever it is” you are.
When you’re “okay” with the world you see around you, you’re saying my world is just like everyone else’s. It’s the default excuse that keeps you from getting involved with being the change that your world needs.
“Normal” is a default coping mechanism designed to keep you in the same place as everyone else.
It’s time the world knew your name
We have made average, par, just okay, and common, the default excuse. It’s the new badge of honor for not being more. It celebrates the fact of knowing we’re not last. But what does it really mean? Could it be that being average is the only thing keeping you back from being great? What if Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan or Serena Williams settled for par? I don’t believe we’d even know their names. It’s time the world knew your name. It’s time for you to leave mediocre behind. It’s time for you to be more than just okay. It’s time for you to be no-longer-common!
I’m okay with that!
Average means “I might not be the best, but I am certainly not the worst and I’m okay with that!” What would the world be like if Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Oprah Winfrey thought this way? Again these are names we wouldn’t know today. What I’d like to point out is that each of them have very unique gifts. Wouldn’t you agree? They allowed their gift to be a shining light to the world. Now ask yourself what gift do you have to use as a light to shine in your world? If you’re not using your gift as a light then it’s being used to promote darkness. Average really means you’re not okay.
Average, the Dark Side of You
Any time you hide who you really are it’s like placing your gift in the dark. It’s like having a lamp on in your home and placing it under a basket. Why have the lamp on in the first place? Let’s just turn it off or get rid of it. It’s of no use. Being “normal” has the same impact in your life. It takes the gift you have and places it out of sight so no one gets to see it or gets the benefits from it. Don’t let “normal” be your default excuse. Don’t let it keep your gift in darkness. Remove the “normal” excuse so that your gift, talent, and craft may bring light to your world.
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