The Results You Get With The Spirit
The Holy Ghost Will… Part 5
If I decide to live an uncommon life, what benefits can I expect from making this decision?
This is what will happen when we let the Holy Spirit do what He does, guide.
“The sinful nature wants to do evil [which is normal behavior], which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions.” –
By choosing to be uncommon, you get “the opposite of what the sinful nature [of a human-being] wants.”
This force called the Holy Spirit won’t allow you (me) to do what our sinful nature craves. In English, it’s what ordinary people desire to do most and what other ordinary people crave doing. “Common” wants to do natural things, which produce natural results.
By default common, ordinary, natural human beings want to do evil. You might not think it’s evil because it’s normal, but it’s evil nonetheless. It’s the opposite of what the Holy Spirit wants, the opposite of what being no-longer-common means, the opposite of being uncommon.
These two forces, “common” versus what’s uncommon, are constantly fighting each other so we are not free to carry out good intentions. The reason you and every normal person on the planet have a problem carrying out good intentions is because we were born common, we were born ordinary, we were born just like everyone else and now it takes having the spirit in us (that’s God’s spirit) to make us something other than a common, ordinary, normal person. Ready for what being uncommon produces?
The results when the Spirit is with you.
“Let me tell you again as I have before that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the kingdom of God”, the Bible says. It says don’t be fooled, don’t be tricked, if any of those things apply in your life and this is how you live your life, it simply means one thing you’re an ordinary human-being. No matter what you profess or what you proclaim, you can say you love Jesus, you can say you’ve been changed, you can say you’re a follower of Christ, you can say all of this but if these are the results or the outcome or what you produce in your life, your life will not inherit the kingdom of God. It’s just that simple.
“Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life [an ordinary lifestyle] will not inherit the Kingdom of God. But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit [results] in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” –
I’ve underscored a few words in the scripture above because it uses the word ‘holy.’ It says “but the Holy Spirit”, which means the spirit that makes you something other than common, produces these kind of fruit or results in your life and here they are:
- Love. This means you cannot have love without having the Holy Spirit, the one that produces something in you to be something other than ordinary.
- Joy. You can’t have joy without the Holy Spirit. I’m not sure what you thought you had or what I thought I had, but it’s not joy. If that’s the case and it is, I think we should try this force out.
- Peace. You can’t have peace without the spirit that makes you uncommon. Having peace in your life is an uncommon attribute; it doesn’t come naturally. Need peace; try the Spirit.
- Patience. You will not have patience without this spirit. Now you know there is some merit to what I’m saying. Normal people lack patience and you see its result everywhere. I wish I could get into this a little more…and its effects on even the food we consume, the products we purchase and even its effects on marriages.
- Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness. You will not have kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. It’s just not something you can have without having the spirit that makes you no-longer-common. Can you believe that? Sure you can, it’s a rarity to find these three attributes in normal places these days.
- Gentleness. The world around us and popular culture has a harshness that doesn’t promote gentleness. Finding people who genuinely care and are concerned for you, now that’s hard to find. In fact it’s not common.
- Self-control. If you ask most, if they have self-control, they’d answer ‘yes’ because it’s the expected “normal” answer. But if you ask them, do they drive the speed limits, or if they didn’t eat what they shouldn’t or drink what they know they shouldn’t, you get a different answer. These are all signs of the lack of self-control.
The signs all point to one realization, they don’t have the force, God’s spirit, living on the inside of them. Simple and short. It’s just the truth. And there is no law against having these such results. I love the message of no-longer-common that God has planted on the inside of me. It shows me scriptures in a different light. And it is all to help people see one thing and that one thing is this… there is a difference in what being ordinary is and how if you change that to being something other than ordinary, your life will be different. You’ll go from the sinful nature to having these results that can only come from having the Spirit of God living in you. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control or discipline; these things are all results and it’s only one way you can have them and that is the no-longer-common way.
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