In Your Face About Your Friends
Where do I start? I’d like to come straight out and strike a blow. I’d like to tell you how awful your friends are and how awful you are at being a friend. The problem with me doing this is…it’s offensive and you nor your friends know they’re awful because it’s normal. I need to change the definition of normal. Normal is anything that’s acceptable just because others accept it. Your friends and possibly you have accepted having “normal” friends and being “normal” friends in return. You never need to accept anything just because someone else accepted…unless, you just want to be normal.
Accept failure because someone else is okay with that?
Accept a broken marriage because society has a lot of them?
Accept broken family relationships because your friend’s family doesn’t get along?
Accept being in a terrible financial position just because everyone else does?
Accept the people who walk into your life as friends just because that’s what everybody does?
Only if you want to be “normal”! I can’t imagine that being you.
The choice of friendship
Why did you chose the friends you have in the first place? Or did they chose you? Perhaps you didn’t even know it was a choice. All I know is this, the #1 thing to bring people down are their friends, the people they are closest too. On the other side, the #1 thing to bring them up are their friends, the people they are closet too. The bad news is we mainly choose ordinary people to be our friends.
Unwanted benefits of “normal” friendships
If I were talking to you and your group of friends, I’d ask why did you do this to your friends? What do I mean? Why are your friends failing in life, in school, at home, on the job, in their finances, in their talents, in relationships, and with other friends, if you’re on watch? What good are you to them? Or do you blame someone else in the group? My guess is you blame no one in the group and that’s a problem. Could it be, you had no idea the type of friends you were selecting and the influence they would have on your life; be it good or bad?
Just because you didn’t give any thought to the results you wanted from your friendships, you get results that you didn’t intend on getting; it’s normal. “Normal” you and “normal” them.
It’s the friends you currently have that produced the unwanted results you have. I call them unwanted benefits. The funny thing is you love your friends and you want to disagree with what I am saying. If that’s the case you love “normal” and you should stop reading my writings; my writings are for people who are sick and tired of being “normal”, average, and mediocre.
The only way for you to have a better life starts when you change the people in your life. That means “you make the team better or your get better players.”
What can having uncommon friends do for you?
Don’t hear what I’m not saying and don’t let me offend you. No one is perfect, but everyone is close to perfect at something. You know you have uncommon friends when they enhance your life in positive ways. You are never the same. After being in their presence you grow. You add to them and they add to you.
I thought I would miss out on a lot of fun times by choosing friends who were “uncommon”. How wrong was I. I didn’t realize that “uncommon” friends, have “uncommon” benefits…
they bring you fewer problems,
they give better gifts,
they are more thoughtful (they think more about you than themselves),
they have more money (they’re not asking for yourselves),
and they have more options in life (they’re on the move).
Now contrast this picture to the image of the friends you have. Are your friends normal or “uncommon”?
Question: In what ways have your friends led you down a path to unwanted results? You can leave me a comment.
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