Holy to the Max

Not Like Anyone Else – Part 3

Here we go.  You’ve seen them.  You’ve even spoken with them.  The “holier-than-thou” person!  You know that person who offends you with scripture.  Quoting scripture at you every time they find you saying or doing anything they deem wrong.  Maybe it’s that person who totes their bible around with them everywhere they go.  Maybe it’s that woman who wears long dresses, and no make-up.  On the other hand, it could be that man who has an archaic viewpoint of women, their position and how church is done.  How about that family that’s so strange no one knows very much about them.  Yes, you know them and I do too.

20160626 - Holy to the Max - BlogThey are the people who have an incomplete definition of the word “holy”.  This one word that the Bible uses we often misuse.  “Holy”.  I know and I get it.  It’s a scary word because of what the small letter ‘c’ church has done to it.  You think of people whose lives have been reduced to simple living.  You think of the people at the ‘holiness’ church.  You might even think of those tongue speaking, snake-handling church-goers.

The Bible says that we should be “holy” because God is “holy”.  Does the description above reflect or describe what God is like?

Let me give you some examples of “holier-than-thou” people from the bible.

  • Joseph, so “holy” that everywhere he went God made him prosper.  As a slave.  As a prisoner.  Then he was placed in the highest position of authority over the country of Egypt. Holy?
  • Hosea, so “holy” God caused him to love a harlot [prostituting slave].  His love for her was so unique, so different, so “holy”, so like God’s that no matter what she did his love for her was greater than any act she performed.  He did whatever was necessary to keep and love her.  Holy?
  • My favorite, Daniel, he so distinguished himself that he was placed in charge of the government.  He was so exceptional, holy that is, that the authorities of his day placed him in the highest office of leadership.

Yes, you can argue that none of these guys are “holy”, but then who would be “holy” if being “holy” is defined from the Bible?

If there were “holy” or “holier-than-thou” people who existed, would they be in the Bible?  Shouldn’t we see these outcasts in society?  Wouldn’t Jesus be one in this group or its leader?

The point or takeaway is this.  The picture of “holiness” painted for you has been tainted.  I am asking that you revisit this misused and misunderstood word.  It’s a major key to you becoming all God wants and intends for you to be. What it means is that you become more different than the rest, set apart from the norm, exceptional, great, extra-ordinary and unlike anyone else.  Is that what Joseph, Hosea, Daniel and the rest of the Bible characters were?  Is that exactly what Jesus was and is?  Now it’s your turn to be “holy” to the max.  You are uncommon.

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