Holy Isn’t What You Think It Is

Not Like Anyone Else – Part 4

This word appeared through the Bible in tons of passages.  I saw it throughout Genesis, then Exodus and Leviticus and so on.  Not once did I pay it that much attention.  I thought of the word just like everyone else.  It’s a term that means sacred and “holy”.  It’s a classification only used to describe what God was/is. So I thought. “Holy”, what more needs to be said.

Finally one day, God showed me something I’d never heard anyone else on the planet say.  Let me explain my experience for you.

When I finally got to the book of Ezekiel, which has become one of my favorites, these are the words I found…

“…teach my people the difference between what is holy and what is common…”

Here it was, God giving instructions to the priests of that day to teach a subject, no one had ever considered teaching.  He wanted them to know there’s two classifications: “common” and something other than common.
He was interested in the people knowing that there’s the “normal” way and there’s another way.  If we can categorize everything into 2 categories, they would be “common” and something other than common. So what is that other than common thing; well, its significance is locked within the word, we’ve become so afraid of, “holy”.

20160703 Blog - Holy Isn't What You Think It IsHere are a few examples of times when the word “holy” is used.

Holy is simply the opposite of being “common”.   It’s what happens to us when God interacts with us.

Here’s my point and I want to go as far left as I can with it.
Anything and anyone that interacts with God becomes uncommon. This means they can no longer be like everyone else.  If they are just like the rest, they’ve not met the one who makes things just like Him, “holy”.

Now this can present a problem.  You’ve seen people who should be uncommon doing what common people do.  You’ve heard people proclaim Christ, but still acting like everyone else in the world they come into contact with.  Let me say it again, no one can interact with God and remain “common”.  It’s impossible to remain ordinary.  The impact an encounter with God has on a life transforms the normal into much more.  If you desire proof, look in the only place that can provide it-the Bible.  I did.  Review every person from start to finish of the book.  See what happened to those ordinary people who interacted with God.  They became uncommon, what the Bible calls “holy”.

This understanding of the word is the very reason this website, NoLongerCommon.com exists.  It’s time for you to stop being just like the rest.  It’s time for you to be okay with being unique, set apart, extra-ordinary and uncommon.  You’re a cut-above.  You are significant.  You are unlike anyone else.  You’re exceptional.  You’re special.  You’re different.  You’re amazing.  You have a different set of rules.  Actually you’re expected to be all of this and it’s my goal to help you get there.  I could go on…, but I think you get the point.

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