He Sees You

Being No-Longer-Common 101 Part 4

He Sees You

Now that you know what we’re trying to achieve, taking you beyond Christianity the way we know it and church membership 101, let’s get beyond the myths. We get it; the myths were a bit of a shocker for some. For others, they were known facts, but went unspoken. But now what if we were to tell you that the myths were just the beginning to what we need to uncover? That would probably make you a little nervous. With that, get ready, you’re about to swallow “the red pill.” That line comes from my favorite movie The Matrix. Being No-Longer-Common is similar to understanding “The Matrix”. “Do you want to know what it is?” Keep reading.

Being No-Longer-Common the Basics

Now that you’re all in, we must start with the basics. Back to class we go. A couple weeks ago, you were asked 4 questions. Take a look at the 1st one: who are you following? Look at the name you put on the page. Ask yourself, can this person walk on water? No. Can this person rid the world of cancer? No. What about just a single person of cancer? No.
So then, what’s so great about the name you wrote in response to this question? Maybe they didn’t walk on water or cure cancer single-handedly. They were just a little bit different than you. They had something you wanted to have. They were able to accomplish something you weren’t.
Why then would you follow them if they weren’t all of this? You wouldn’t. Think on this…you and your closest friends probably don’t follow the same person and I’m sure there’s a reason. Let me show you the big picture.

The Big Picture: God’s Picture or Point of View of You

If God is God-and He is-then that would mean He has the big picture and the only point of view that matters. Because who you follow doesn’t match that of your friends, that means you and your friend have a unique purpose. Your roles are different. Your journey is not the same. With that said I need to expose you to your purpose-God’s point of view of you.

He Sees You

“Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”” – Mark‬ 1:17 NLT‬‬

Jesus, who is also God, saw this small group of men (these men were possibly friends, family or coworkers) in the same way, He also sees you! They were doing what they do. They were working. They were doing the same thing you do each day when you go to work…you do your job. He didn’t find them ministering the Gospel. He didn’t find them touching the world. He saw them “fishing”. And He sees you…
at your computer,
taking the next phone call,
assisting a customer,
selling a product,
loading a truck,
writing an article,
developing a program,
teaching students.

He sees you doing what it is you do.
The very thing you see as insignificant; He’s taking note of it. The skill you’ve learned that you take for granted; He’s taking it seriously. The very talents that you’ve been overlooking; He sees a use for it. He’s saying how can I use you in an uncommon way.

The No-Longer-Common Action: What are you doing that He sees you doing? Leave your response and comments on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

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Myths: A Result of Being Normal
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