Common looks negatively on gray hair… Proverbs 20:29

I feel as though I am too young to be getting all this gray hair that I see in my beard and now on my head. My wife sent me this message “the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old“.

At first, I thought she was trying to be funny, but she knows how sensitive a subject this is for me. Nonetheless, I gave it some thought and realized that I have a ton of experiences, skills and talents that most have yet the chance to experience. So with that said I will take the second part of the message to heart “experience is the splendor of the old“.

The glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old. (Proverbs 20:29)

There are a couple of things I can say about this verse. First, it would imply that I am getting older. Which to most this isn’t a positive, but considering how difficult and dangerous life can be, it’s fortunate that I am amongst few who have reached my age. My best friend would say it this way, we have beaten the statistics.

Secondly, “experience is the splendor” means I should take delight in all the accomplishments and achievements I have had the fortune of attaining.

My life lesson in all of this is that common thinking is simply one perspective and I have the ability to choose an alternate perspective –a “no longer common” one. Common would look negatively on gray hair, but no-longer-common exemplifies splendor in it.

Enjoy your life experience.

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