Barrier 5 – A Lack of Empowerment
What’s Standing in Your Way? – Part 6
Do you lack the necessary empowering that it takes to be extraordinary?
If you don’t know then keep reading. More than likely you fall in one of 2 categories:
- You just simply have no idea that you need an empowering.
- You’re empowered and just don’t know it.
At any rate, these are barriers that are keeping you from reaching your full potential. It’s keeping you from turning 5 talents into 10 talents. It’s keeping you from producing the results that normal people don’t get.
The drive
The drive to do what ordinary people don’t, doesn’t come naturally. In fact, if you remain normal it never comes at all. The drive to get beyond a normal life, a normal home, a normal career, a normal relationship, a normal existence comes from having a spirit that ordinary people don’t have. You’re going to hate to hear me say this, but extraordinary people have God’s spirit in them and they might not ever show up in a church service like normal people. Take a look at David who slayed Goliath. He didn’t obtain His extraordinary skills from His Bible study class or church attendance. While this is good, don’t confuse these things with being uncommon. Just because you go to church and say you love Jesus doesn’t make you extraordinary. It simply makes a normal person who happens to go to church.
To have an uncommon “want to” requires an uncommon influence on (your) normal thinking. David spent time in the wilderness doing his job, but with the help of God’s spirit. With God’s help he was able to be a great shepherd who rescued his sheep from lions and bears. He ultimately, with God’s spiritual influence, took the life of the greatest warrior of his time, may be all time.
“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit…” –
Jesus was anointed with the Spirit that makes one incomparable to anyone else. With this empowerment, drive, ability, He [Jesus] was able to do uncommon things.
What makes you think you in your normal form will accomplish anything greater than anyone else? It probably won’t happen. You’re going to need to rely on an anointing of a different type of spirit. Fortunately for you, I know the source of such empowering. You need God’s spirit (a.k.a. The Holy Spirit) applied to your life.
The results no one else gets.
I like being uncommon because no one else can reproduce the results I get. No one else can reproduce the ability I have. No one else can duplicate the message, material, content, books I write. And no one will be able to duplicate you.
“…Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.” –
On the other hand lacking an empowerment to be uncommon will leave you with these results…
- You are unable and unwilling to do good to those all around you.
- You’re unable to help with the problems of all those you encounter.
- You add to the oppression that the devil has on others’ lives.
- You fail to realize that God, The One who is like no other, is with you so that you can be unlike any other.
Normal actions always produce normal results. It’s hard to do the extraordinary when you settle for “normal”.
Hear me when I say this, you are meant to live a life that supersedes natural results.
Is the lack of empowerment holding you back? It’s time to stop allowing this excuse to block you from being who you’re meant to be.
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