Barrier 2 – Working For What You Can Not Earn
What’s Standing In Your Way? – Part 3
Could (you) trying to work for something that is unattainable, be standing in your way?
What if your efforts produced nothing, no progress towards the goal? Would you continue to work at it? Probably not. If you saw no progress yet continued working, you’d soon quit. That’s exactly what happens to ordinary people who try to obtain what doesn’t come by natural means. They try doing it over and over again, following natural practices and methods, yet fail to make any progress. Doing what everyone else does won’t get you to a place that everyone else hasn’t reached.
Becoming uncommon requires some new thinking.
It’s not by what you can do, but rather by what you believe matters most. Contrary to what you normally think, believing must proceed doing. What you believe changes what you do. You might have been doing it one way for years, but when you believe differently, you do differently. In simple terms, ordinary doing produces ordinary results, uncommon doing produces uncommon results.
“God saved you by his grace when you believed.” –,8-9.nlt
The very thing that connects you with God proves. He won’t pour His salvation out on you until you… Work for it? No, believe. Normally you are going to want to work for everything that you obtain. That’s natural, but the things that don’t come naturally must be obtained by un-natural means. You might be wondering why so many are disconnected from God, I don’t. It’s normal. They’re working for something that can’t be earned, it must be “believed”. If you want to do and become what no one else does and becomes, start by believing.
It’s a gift not a reward.
It’s easy to believe that people who invent the latest gadgets or tools do so because they work harder than you. I know, as well as you know, people who work hard and go nowhere. It’s pretty normal. There must be a missing ingredient if you want results that aren’t normal. If it was as simple as working hard, then it would be easy to obtain the reward of being extraordinary. It just doesn’t work that way.
“[Y]ou can’t take credit for this [salvation from normal]; it is a gift from God.” –,8-9.nlt
You see a reward symbolizes something you receive because you did something that justified receiving it. You rely on your own abilities. However, your ticket to being uncommon (salvation from normal) doesn’t work that way. Everyone is working at something. That will never give you uncommon results. I tried that one and so have many of you. It’s time you tried something a little different, a lot different. You just can’t work to earn it; you must “believe” for it.
Are you working so hard at being great that it’s standing in your way to becoming great? Is your hard work alone keeping you from doing great things? Now that’s a question one must ask themself. I suggest you do and redirect the work otherwise it will remain a barrier, standing in your way to greatness.
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