There’s a Treasure Inside Waiting to be Uncovered

Do you ever wonder why you exist?  Does it even matter to you why you exist?
Most common individuals go through their daily routine unaware of the real purpose for which they exist? I know I did for many years. In fact, I thought my purpose was someone else’s purpose.  Only to discover later in my life that God had a purpose, a hidden treasure, in me all along.

Why is the treasure important?
When you don’t know the very reason for which you exist, you will do anything and fall for anything.

[pullquote]Common is the person who doesn’t know why he or she exists and falls for anything.[/pullquote]

Where is my treasure?
I know it seems like you may not know your purpose. Based on your lifestyle, you may think that you couldn’t possibly have one.  This is a common feeling.  We feel this way because the purpose has been buried within us.  For some, it’s been buried for 10 years, 20 years and maybe longer.  For others, it’s been covered up by the wrong job, misleading assignments, bad relationships and so forth.  Nonetheless, it’s still buried and it’s time to dig it up.  The quickest way to unearth your purpose is to stop being like everyone else and become like no one else, no-longer-common.

How to find your treasure?
Finding purpose is like being on a treasure hunt.  How many have gone through their lives and how long have you gone through life unaware that your passion, your hidden treasure is waiting to be discovered? I like to think of it as going on a treasure hunt or an expedition.

The irony of this is, the treasure is usually in plain sight but rarely seen. It’s apart of what you do daily.  Most of us have been tricked to believe that purpose and passion is some grand event or outcome.  The truth is your purpose can be found in the small things you do each day.  It’s these things  that will one day add up to become the grand event you’ve been waiting for.  It’s the thing you’ve done over the course of a lifetime.

The sand or dirt that gets in the way.
Don’t get caught up doing the things that don’t matter.  This will only keep you away from what you really should be doing.  It’s like the sand or dirt that continually tries to cover the treasure the more you dig for it.  The treasure won’t uncover itself, nor will it remain uncovered once it’s exposed.  It will require a continuous effort to remain unhidden.

Here are a few things that I can name that continually try to bury your treasure…
Your (bad) friends will tell you, you can’t succeed.
Your family will often discourage or distract you.
Your job will over work you.
Your church might even be a burden.
All the things that get in your way are there to make sure your treasure remains hidden.

Being no-longer-common is you being the treasure you were meant to be.
It’s you succeeding, when your friends tell you that you can’t.
It’s removing the distractions that attempt to discourage you.
It’s finding that job that complements your calling.
It’s not in attending church, but being the church, the bride of Christ.

It’s being you, yes, the you no one else can be.
The you that God wants the world to see!


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