Feel like you’re missing something when it comes to giving?
Have you ever felt like you were missing something when it comes to your giving, acts of kindness, and charitable donations? Does it feel like you’re missing something or it doesn’t bring the satisfaction you’d anticipate?
Prayer Condition:
This is what happened to us. We’d been giving to organizations, churches and ministries, yet we didn’t feel as if we’d done anything. Then God pointed out that we’d given far and wide. We’re given to help the hungry and even rescue women from trafficking. We’d also been giving to help build the Bible apps that are on most phones today, yet we were missing something. We’d given to distant lands and never considered the people God placed directly in our path our family and friends. What type of believer doesn’t consider being generous to the people that they love?
Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. – bible.com/bible/116/2CO.9.11.NLT
The Prayer:
[Pray This] Lord, forgive me for not showing compassion and love that you’d placed in our path. We have people that we can be a blessing to right in front of us, but we’d rather send it to ministries across the country and around the world. That ends today. My eyes are open and with Your help I like to be known as the most generous person those who come in contact with me have ever known; in Jesus’ name.
Your Action:
(What action based on your prayer can you take?)
Today, I create a plan that I can use to build upon in my steps to becoming more generous with where it matters most.
For more on this topic, see “Being Generous Where It Matters Most.”
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