May The Force [The Spirit] Be With You
In Plain Sight, But Not Seen – Part 1
Are you ready to receive what normal people can’t recognize? Are you ready to stop hiding the extraordinary gift, talent, skill you have?
When we were young, we learned this phrase, “in plain sight, but never seen.” There are animals and insects that use this as a defense mechanism and some use it as an offensive tactic or to have an advantage. They can be in plain sight, but go unseen. The wind blows and you know it, but you are unable to see it. Why? It’s in plain sight, but can’t be seen. You know what is in plain sight (common), but goes unseen (uncommon)? Your gifts from God are the same way. They are hidden in what appears to be a common, normal, like everyone else, individual. You have been given power (talents, skills, know-how) that no one else has. To them it’s in plain sight. They know you have a gift, but it goes unseen. They are unable to define how you got it. They can’t understand how you could be any different than them. They would rather ignore it than say you have been empowered by God to do what only you can do. That’s too much for a normal mind to handle or admit.
The Holy Spirit isn’t someone “normal” people can easily accept. Thank God you are not “normal.
Normal people are uncomfortable feeling or being impacted by what they cannot see or explain. You with your extraordinary gifts, talents, skills make ordinary people uneasy.
The world [ordinary people] cannot receive him [the spirit that makes us unlike anyone else], because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.” –
What we have as uncommon people (Christians) starts with what normal people can’t understand or don’t believe. But rest assured those that do, the uncommon, have help to make sure they’re just that “uncommon”.
Here are two opposing points of view that leave normal people uneasy when they see the impact the Holy Spirit has on you:
- Normal wants an explanation. Because normal wants to explain what happened, they miss what’s happening. They’re looking for something that satisfies normal thinking. They want an explanation as to why Michael Jordan was an exceptional basketball player. Or why Serena Williams is breaking all the records. They want the process John Maxwell took to make him an expert on the subject of leadership. They don’t recognize the power of God that’s at place inside a human being that makes them great. While they’re looking for the explanation that make an uncommon person normal, they miss it all together.
- Uncommon can’t be seen it must be felt. To look at someone who is truly exceptional, you can see them in two ways. You can see the ordinary person they are without their God-given talent. Doing so will bring them back down to your “natural” level so that you can handle it in your mind. It’s easy to do. But if you look at their gifts and feel what they do impact the world around them, then you know what you’re seeing is something truly exceptional. Which point of view will you have?
Greatness is just on the other side of you seeing beyond the eyes of a common person. When you accept the fact that a person can be empowered by God’s spirit, you will begin to see Him all around you. There’s no shortage of His power transforming, the most average of people into the most uncommon person the world has seen. This is what His Spirit does to a person. The Holy Spirit is not what you think!
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