I Will Show You
Being No-Longer-Common 101 Part 7
I Will Show You…
Being “no-longer-common” is having Jesus turn what you are into something He can use. He’ll take the skills you already have and make them useful. Pamela, my wife, in reviewing our last message, “Follow”, added this thought. When we hear the story of how Jesus chose his disciples, we hear the story as if it only happened to them; a few fishermen to fish for people. We hear this message as just another Bible story, but did you know that this story still happens today?
In fact, get ready, a real-time Bible story is about to happen to someone reading this message today. If you can’t believe that Jesus, the son of God, is still looking to make disciples, then believe that Kerry Clark, a son of God, is looking to make disciples. I’m looking to make ordinary people become something more than ordinary. Like Jesus who took regular fishermen and made them bold, courageous and gifted men who changed the lives of all they encountered, I am looking to change you from the ordinary person you see today into something greater. Now, how can we do this? “I will show you…” says Jesus to these men.
“Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”” – Mark 1:17 NLT
I will show you…
The phrase, “I will show you…” simply means that you must become a student. What does a student do? A student studies what’s taught by a teacher. It’s time for you to study a little. Are you willing to be taught how to use your skills for good? You see, if you’re not using your skills for Him then you’re using them for someone else. I always sense this next question rising up… What skills do I have?

These men Jesus encountered had simple jobs for their day…they fished. It didn’t take much of an education to be a fishermen. They didn’t need a degree or 10 years of experience. They did a job that most everyone could have done, they were normal people. If they had been some great, well educated, well-off-in-life kind of men, I might have no reason to share this message with you. I’d need a different audience.
The truth is you’ve overlooked the very miracle God has given you by comparing what you are to someone else.
We say things like this…
If I had the life my neighbor had, my life would be better.
If I made the money my boss makes then things for me would be different.
If I had a spouse like so-and-so, then my marriage would be great.
If my children were like their children, then I’d be a great parent as well.
If I had a degree or the background like him/her, I’d be successful in my career.
My friends, these are common excuses used to discount the miracle you are.
Now back to the skills you have.
Your gifts are hiding in plain site but rarely seen by you. Others see them all the time especially, those who work with you everyday. You see, you’re looking for something you call a “great gift.” You want to be a public figure, a famous athlete or a mega-church pastor. You want to be the person who cures cancer, makes headlines in the news around the world. That’s not what Jesus had when He met these small-town fishermen and that’s not what He has when He called out to you.
Here’s what He has…
the person flipping hamburgers and working in the fast food or restaurant industry,
the person on the assembly line putting the next part on,
the person taking calls that seem like they never end,
the person supervising a group of people responsible for cleaning floors 5-6,
the person behind the counter at the local coffee shop or grocery store,
the person on staff at your local church,
the person with the small business around the corner.
None of these positions sound very glamorous, do they? This is exactly what Jesus had when He called for Peter, James, and John. Maybe a little less. Now, He’s calling you.
Next question, how then do I take who I am right now and become something great?
I believe this is the same question in the minds of these disciples. However, Jesus answered them before they could ever ask the question. He said, “I will show you…” how.
“I will show you…” is the partnership between the one who took the initial step (Jesus) and the partner who took the second step (the fishermen). Jesus initiated. The men on the boat responded favorably. The group now can partner together and it’s your turn to partner with Him.
Fortunately for you, we are creating a no-longer-common community to support you. How do you turn who you are right now into something greater? Answer this question, how can you perform your current role and benefit Him? How can you do your job for Him? Need ideas? Leave a comment on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
Being no-longer-common is having Jesus turn what you are into something He can use. He’ll take the skills you already have and make them useful. Therefore making you no-longer-common. All you have to do is “let Him show you…”
The No-Longer-Common Action: How can you do your job for Him? Leave your response and comments on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
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