How to Identify and Use the Gift that Only you Have

You better believe it; you have a gift!

We call it your product. Kerry recently coined this phrase “sell your product”. It means promote your gift, your talent, trade or special skill….that thing that you are really good with. Concentrate all your being into to this product. In other words promote yourself.  If you don’t who will?  No one.

First Peter 4:10 says it this way,

“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts.”

If you have a gift, then what is it?

God has given us all a unique gift. When He created you, sent you to the earth, and just before He allowed your soul to enter a human body, He gave you a special gift.  He examined you from beginning to end to determine which talent most suited you. He considered the time, space and the relationship encounters you would have and selected just the right gift, skills, and talents to give you.

Your gift, product, is more easily identifiable than you would think. Is there something that you’re good at and don’t really know why you’re good at it? That’s it -your gift.

You might not be using it very much now, but if you could you certainly would. Maybe you haven’t perfected your craft or you may not be using it in a positive manner.  Your gift is the very thing that comes naturally and easy for you. Give it some thought. What are you doing with it?

[pullquote]Common is the person who uses their gift for everything else except for Christ.[/pullquote]

First Peter 4:10 continues,

“Use them [your gift, your product] well to serve one another.”


Why should you promote your gift or craft?

The ultimate reason is to serve someone other than yourself–to change the world.  Have you ever encountered someone who only looked out for themselves? Sure you have…those are people who only have their best interests at heart. Your product is not to be used so that you can gain, but so that others can benefit through you. Once you learn this, you will find the true meaning for your own existence.

[pullquote align=”right”]Common is the person who uses his gift to serve himself.[/pullquote]

First Peter 4:11 asks,

“Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others?”

Let’s look at a couple of examples.

Let’s say that you are a good teacher. School teacher. Bible teacher. College professor. Whatever. The way you should use your gift is not so that you can profit from it, but so that you can teach like no one else can. Be the best in your area. The best in your subject. The best in your field. This is exactly what it means to be no-longer-common.

Let’s say that you’re a nurse and you’re a gifted nurse, meaning it’s your life’s calling. Well, when you give it your all, you will excel. You will probably be an example to other nurses. You will more than likely, one day, be the head or chief nurse. You might even set the standards for all nurses in your field.

The benefit of having a gift

Don’t allow the focus on others to cause you to think that others will benefit first and you won’t benefit at all.  In fact, you will be extremely prosperous. If you poll most successful people, you’ll find that they are the most generous -giving people. However, please understand that the prosperity won’t matter as much because you’re more consumed in giving your gift, your talent, your product.

[pullquote]No-longer-common is the person whose life is consumed with sharing their God-given talent with the world.[/pullquote]

Continuing with First Peter 4:11,

“Do it [your gift] with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.”

Promoting your gift

Use everything at your disposal to complement and perform your gift. That’s what I mean by “sell your product”. If you are doing something that’s unrelated to your gift, you will not be fulfilled nor will your life reach the full potential of giving glory to the gift giver–God.

Make use of your gift; it is the key to being no-longer-common!

[note note_color=”#333″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Question: Having trouble finding your gift? Let us help you.  Leave a comment and share the one or many things you’re good at.[/note]


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