When Ordinary is No Longer Enough
When Ordinary is No Longer Enough is THE book that will enlighten and direct us to untraveled paths to the extraordinary, the paths that common people would not often take. Nobody remembers you when you’re average. Be extraordinary. Be no-longer-common.
With this Book, I affirm that you’re MORE than just ordinary and you’re anything BUT common. What you are is an extraordinary individual who has the passion and skills to lock the “average” and “common” part of you in a box and throw the key away to the sea of greatness.
To get your own free copy of When Ordinary is No Longer Enough and start your journey to greatness, please click here.
WOINLE Five Life Group Area
Our goal is to show you how being normal, common, or even ordinary isn’t enough to obtain the results
you’d like to see in these five areas:
- Home, personal life, and education – how the individual, you specifically, is impacted in these
areas? - Work, business, career – how does being ordinary impact these areas of your life?
- Church and religion – what happens when “common” finds its way into your spiritual life?
- Recreation, society and government – when being average doesn’t benefit the things around
your life? - Relationships and family – how you can be caught off guard in all of your relationships by being
just like everyone else?
This book helps you to see that being ordinary is no longer enough. Having an average life
yields average results and those results aren’t what we truly desire. We desire to be exceptional and we
know that you do as well.
LAG1: Having an Uncommon Home, Education, and
Personal Life.
The “common” way of life is what most of us
are used to. These are the things that are more convenient to
achieve and pleasing to the external world. But these worldly
comforts only go so far in fulfilling your soul; being common
will never feel complete.
Why not take the road less traveled? Start over; let your inner
self shine through and impact your life as well as others’. Take
a chance with us, and venture towards the uncommon life.
LGA2: Unconventional Work Habits, Business Ethics,
and Career Building.
I never thought of the topics of work
habits, business ethics and career building all boil down to one
key ingredient. And that ingredient is people. In order to be
successful in these areas, we must learn the following:
1. How to find the best in everyone we meet.
2. How to learn from those we don’t think we can
learn anything
3. How your circle of friends exposed who you really
4. How to get an edge over “normal” people.
5. How to change the way you think.
6. How to take the path that most people don’t.
7. How to take the right steps.
What you are about to discover in the next few pages will take
you from a “common” path and place you on your own
uncharted course. Thus, removing common results and
replacing them with extraordinary results.
I heard this quote by Dave
Ramsey, “If you live like no one else, later you can live like no
one else.” Now how true and thought provoking is that
statement. Well, I’ve discovered nine principles that you can
use to accomplish just that:
1. The Bible’s primary goal is not to teach you right
from wrong.
2. Un-common can be found in three distinct places
that we’ve heard of before.
3. Being “Holy to the Max” makes for some
extraordinary leaders.
4. Incorporate God’s recommended coursework and
subject matter.
5. Stop appying rules to your life that even God
6. Learn how to complete your incomplete
7. Start with a blank page.
8. Understand the difference between the small-letterc-christian and the capital-letter-C-Christian.
9. Knowing very little is no good.
You don’t have to master all nine principles but acquainting
yourself to them will take you off a “common” path and lead
you to one “not like anyone else”.
LAG4: Impacting More Than Just Yourself.
thinking has lead us down a path that places the emphasis on
oneself. What I mean by that, it’s not popular thinking to be
concerned with others and the world around us over the
concern we have for ourselves. Uncommon is the person who
realizes that life is made better and your world much bigger
when you connect with and impact others. Here are a few
reasons you should focus on impacting more than just
• There is more to living than work.
• The time you have for yourself and others is being
• You can live a life free of another bad day.
• “We the people” are the same people who created
what we see in our societies.
• Your issue might not be with people, it might be with
• Your foundation was built upon the actions
extraordinary people.
• Toiling with no purpose yields a meaningless life.
• You have the power to make today great for yourself
and someone else.
In this section of When Ordinary is No Longer Enough, you
will learn to see the world around in through a new
perspective as well as the impact you can over on it.
I often wonder for those
who think life is good, how much better could it be if you were
loved like no other. The relationships we share whether with
family or friends can go to an all new level and it doesn’t
require much. Here are several reasons why you can
experience love, relationships, and friendships that’s
uncommon to the world at large:
• Ordinary friends are not enough. Uncommon friends
will carry you when you can’t carry yourself.
• Instead of being the victim of the relationship, you can
choose to be the victor.
• There are rules to being a friend and having friend.
• You own 100% of the relationship, not 50%.
• You will never have good friends until you close the
door on “fake” friends and being a “fake” friend.
• You will allow someone to get in your face about the
friends you choose.
It’s time you were loved like no one else and be loved like no
one else.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did I write this book?
I asked myself this question and truthfully, this small, easy to read book is designed to give you a sneak preview into our website, NoLongerCommon.com and to expound on our 1st book to come.
Why is there an eBook and physical book?
My goal here is to place in the hands of those who encountered NoLongerCommon.com a simple Ebook that would summarize the message and intent of our website. With growing demand, we were encouraged to create a printed version. In this small book, you get a summary of what the message of No-Longer-Common really is.
Why is this an “Introductory Edition”?
This book is nothing more than an outline for a more detailed version. Each section was crafted so that each page could later be expanded upon, both on our website and with the pages of our 1st ‘real’ book.
What is the purpose of “When Ordinary is No Longer Enough”?
Our goal is to show you how being normal, common, or even ordinary isn’t enough to obtain the results you’d like to see in these 5 areas:
- Home, personal life, and education – how the individual, you specifically, is impacted in these areas?
- Work, business, career – how does being ordinary impact these areas of your life?
- Church and religion – what happens when “common” finds its way into your spiritual life?
- Recreation, society and government – when being average doesn’t benefit the things around your life?
- Relationships and family – how you can be caught off guard in all of your relationships by being just like everyone else?
This book helps you to see that being ordinary is no longer enough. Having an average life yields average results and those results aren’t what we truly desire. We desire to be exceptional and we know that you do as well.
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