How’s Your Reputation?

How’s does a regular, normal, human-being describe someone with extraordinary gifts and abilities?What words are used to describe someone with superior talents and skills?

“I have heard that you have the spirit of the gods within you and that you are filled with insight, understanding, and wisdom.” –

“the spirit of gods”
This is a quote direct from King Belshazzar who had heard of Daniel’s reputation.  You see ordinary people don’t have a reputation worth hearing about nor remembering.  It’s an interesting thought that everyone wants to be remembered, but very few are rememberable.  Would you say that you’re memorable? That means are you worth remembering. Daniel had this gift, this quality, in such a way that Kings remembered him.

King Belshazzar knew Daniel was special in an un-human-kind-of-way.  The words he used for Daniel was that “you have the spirit of the gods within you.”  What in the world made Daniel stand out in such a way. Being unfamiliar with faith and how God works, this king didn’t understand that he was dead-on.  Daniel had the spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) aiding him. It’s the Holy Spirit or spirit that makes us different, unique extraordinary, that gave Daniel his noteworthy ability.

When you have His spirit, it fills you with insight, understanding, and wisdom that’s not natural.  You become the best in your trade, your field, your career, your skill. You set the bar for others in your marriage, relationships and impact to your community.  You lead the pack in the office, in your career, on the field, and even off the field.

My Prayer
I use this verse of scripture as a prayer that I pray daily.  

Lord, give me…
Allow me to know the thoughts of others, if and when necessary.

What this prayer is really saying is make me “uncommon”.

Now how’s your reputation?  Do you have a reputation that precedes you?  If not you’re nothing uncommon. It’s time to have a faith check-up.  Maybe say a prayer like the one above. If you don’t have what Daniel had, you’ve not spent enough time in God’s presence.  It’s His presence that makes you stand out; that’s what it means to be Holy, like Daniel, like God. Holy is not what you think!

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