You were Created to be Different and Unique
No Longer Common in Scripture
“Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit [The Spirit that makes you Uncommon], who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself.” –Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 6:19 NLT)
No Longer Common Today
People often base what they do on what society dictates. When they see a new fashion trend, they run to the nearest stores and buy every piece to achieve that look. When a popular celebrity changes their hairstyle, you’ll see people making appointments with their hairdresser to have their own hairstyles changed. People go places that other people see as the hottest spots in town, and take part in activities that everyone else is doing. With all these, it is so easy to lose one’s own identity. But is your mind and body yours to lose?
You were created to be different and unique, a masterpiece of God. From the smallest cells in your body to the thinnest strands of your hair, God has placed a signature that marks you as yourself. Even twins are so different in so many ways!
Sadly, people place so much importance on looking and acting like somebody else most of the time, not seeing that they are already perfect the way God has made them.
And look at the most important thing here. You are God’s masterpiece.Therefore, you are God’s and no one else’s. You cannot even call yourself as your own property. Your body and mind houses the Holy Spirit –God’s spirit that makes you uncommon, and this makes you even more extraordinary.
iPray Everyday
Lord, we know that You are perfect and would never create anything that is flawed. It is our humanity that makes us flawed. We surrender ourselves back to you, returning something that was never really ours in the first place. Use us as instruments of your divine mission and allow us to finally become what You created us for. In Jesus’ name.
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