Why the Bible talks about God. Nahum 1:7
Popular thinking would have you believe that God is not good. I often wondered why the Bible talks about God and His characteristics. It’s because ordinary beliefs paint an inaccurate and many time incomplete picture of who He is.
The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in Him [who are no-longer-common]. (Nahum 1:7 NLT)
[note note_color=”#0000ff” text_color=”#ffffff”]Only few (the no-longer-common) know Him to be good. In fact He is a secure “safe house” for the no-longer-common when trouble comes. Only the no-longer-common is He close too and who trust in Him. Ordinary people, even ordinary Christians (small ‘c’) aren’t close enough to know His goodness.[/note]
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