There’s Always a Degree of Darkness-Commonness
Why Do You Have an Unfair Advantage? Part 4
There’s Always a Degree of Darkness-Commonness
There’s always a degree of darkness-Commonness. Darkness since the beginning of time has always been a problem. It has become a symbol of problems. During the beginning when the earth was formed, darkness covered the earth and the first thing God did was… bring light. God’s answer to darkness was light. Since we are talking, let me share that the answer to your problem is also light.
So what does light represent? It represents the only thing available to dispel darkness. Think of darkness as what was normal in the days of creation. So God said through His action that darkness, what was normal, wasn’t good.
This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light [not normal], and there is no darkness [normalness] in Him at all. (1 John1:5 NLT)
When God lives in you and me, what’s the unfair advantage? In this case, it’s light. We are taught from popular belief that the devil and this world has more power than God and God’s people. In our society, God’s people are viewed as inferior and powerless. Some are viewed as beggars, others naive, but the truth is we are carriers of The Light.
What I want you to know is that surrounding us, is a level of darkness that can be found.
There might be darkness in your marriage.
Darkness in your family.
Darkness as your pursue your first degree.
Darkness in your finances. A whole lot of darkness in your finances.
Darkness in your personal life.
And no matter how much darkness there might be in your life, God’s light is always greater. In fact, people often feel powerless when faced with dark circumstances. The light within you is able to dispel darkness. Let me reassure you, because you are uncommon, not of this world, God’s power at work in you has no match. You are unlike everyone else, a darkness-commonness-overcomer. It’s just what we, the no-longer-common, do! It’s your unfair advantage.
The No-Longer-Common Action: Are there any areas of darkness in your life and what are you doing to dispel the darkness? Tell us about it on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
Bonus Content
I am always looking for a good piece of useful information. I call them “takeaways”. How can I use what I’ve read?
Here are two of my takeaways:
1. Remind yourself as often as you can that greatness is in you and everything you do produces it. Place it on a note and take that to your bathroom mirror.
2. Learn to identify the darkness around you and use “the light” within in you to dispel it.
The No-Longer-Common Action: What takeaway can you add to my list of takeaways? Leave your response on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
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What’s the Problem with Thinking You’re from God?
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