The Three Uncommons
Not Like Anyone Else – Part 2
In our message, There is Something Other than Common, I alluded to defining one of, if not the most, misused and misunderstood words in The Bible-”holy”. In this message I want to put my wide brush away and use a narrow brush to paint this picture. I call this, “The Three Uncommons”. Let’s get to it.
Un-common Book
(Right out of the gate, I feel like going left a little.)
What type of believer fails to get an understanding of the title of the one book they read often throughout their life?
You place your right hand on it before a judge.
You use it in wedding ceremonies.
You place it on the coffee table for guests to see.
No one gets to leave the planet without a reference from it at their funeral.
Yet, ordinary individuals have no idea what its title means.
The Bible we read is called, The “Holy” Bible. The word Bible means book or books, but when you place “holy” in front of it you get something totally different. It’s the book that isn’t “common”. It isn’t normal. Whether you believe what is says or have ever read it, there is no doubt that The Bible is unlike any other book on this planet. It’s a book that teaches us how to be un-common. The Bible, your bible, is designed to undo “common”. Maybe that’s why we have challenges with it. Common people can’t identify with it because it’s not common stuff. It’s The “Uncommon” Book. There is no book like it. It’s unique. It’s one of a kind. There’s nothing quite like it.
Sidenote: The Holy Bible is also known as The Word, who is Jesus. That’s a lesson for another day.
What I want you to take away is this…it’s impossible to read, study and follow your Bible without becoming something other than common.
Un-common Spirit
Watch this. Jesus left us with a very special gift that many today don’t understand. Today I give you a better understanding of what It/He is-The “Holy” Spirit. I know you’re tempted to say “It”, but It really is He. In other words, He is the spirit that makes a person uncommon. That’s exactly what Jesus was, uncommon. He was unlike anyone else and so are you. What the “holy” spirit does, is make us unlike anyone else, nothing more because that’s enough. (to the right)
He transforms us from being like everyone else into something much much greater.
You can bypass what it takes to be normal.
You can become CEO without the education.
You can create a successful business after dropping out of college.
The limitations on your life have been removed.
Even though your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, marriage failed, you can have a successful marriage.
Even though you’re bankrupted, you can buy that house.
When you’re passed over multiple times for promotions, did you ever think that He is setting you up for the one that really matters.
He even gives us a hand; He helps us become extra-ordinary.
Acquaint yourself with The Gift that makes one unlike the rest.
Un-common One
To put the icing on the cake just for today…
Even God, has a name that many of us tend to overlook. That’s The “Holy” One. Why would The Bible call Him this? He’s the only One who can make us unlike anyone else. Without Him, we remain normal, ordinary, just like everyone else. He’s gifted at making ordinary things extra-ordinary. He’s an expert in making common things uncommon. He’s a master in making them/us “holy”. Wouldn’t this be what you’d expect God to do? Take what’s normal and make it great.
(Now to the right…)
Reading this for myself gets me fired up. I think about this and wonder what have I been missing all my life.
(1) There’s a book which has the purpose of taken inferior me and making me something great.
(2) There’s a gift that’s been given to me to help me achieve greatness. Here it is I’ve struggled all my life and I have help available to make living easy.
(3) God, who is unlike anything we will encounter on earth, has made me and desires for me to be the best me possible. He wants me and you to be like Him-uncontainable.
What are you waiting for? You’re meant to be “holy” not in the misunderstood way!
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