The Holy One – Part 4
Extraordinary Doesn’t Come Naturally
“The fear of the Lord [the Uncommon One] is the beginning of wisdom [a quality “normal” people don’t have], and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” –
Wisdom doesn’t come naturally.
Normal people are unwise by default. If this statement messes with you because you think of yourself as a normal, ordinary person, then it should. You see the truth can hurt, but it can also heal and set free. There’s a misunderstanding or myth that leads us to believe that we become wiser as we age. The older you get the more wisdom you have. In reality, no matter how old you become and how many life experiences you have, wisdom is not the byproduct. Wisdom can only begin when we have a respect for God [the One who has this ability to make you uncommon-wise]. It’s out of this respect –fear– that wisdom begins to form in the heart of a human being. There is no other way. There is no wisdom outside of God.
Taking ordinary and making it extra-ordinary.
We may make the mistake in thinking that we understand a lot of things, but only real understanding comes through the knowledge of the one who has the ability to make you something other than common. Because He, God, can give you both wisdom and understanding that makes Him uncommon, The Holy One. For Him to be able to take something that lacks wisdom and understanding and give it to them, that’s taking what’s ordinary and making it (you, me) extra-ordinary.
Do you want what ordinary people don’t have? Do you desire wisdom and understanding ? If so, you desire to be uncommon. Holy is not what you think!
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