Just When You Thought It Was Over
Let’s review the main points around why the prayer, although answered favorably, isn’t the end of your prayer journey, but the start of something great.
Read MoreLet’s review the main points around why the prayer, although answered favorably, isn’t the end of your prayer journey, but the start of something great.
Read MoreIn this message we leave you with three outcomes as a result of doing what churchie people call, “running to God.” If one can “run to God” what then should one expect in return?
Read MoreIn this message we explain a practice I call the business of prayer. In it we give you reasons as to why prayer is very serious and there’s a lot that goes into it. For tt requires you to be deliberate and have a well thought out plan.
Read MoreIn order to see how something works, a person needs to see it in action. How can one know how prayer works if they’ve never seen it in action?
Read MoreDon’t let it surprise you when your thirty-thousand-foot prayer changes everything about you. Praying such a prayer guarantees you’ll never be the same again.
Read MoreThis message summarizes what happens to a completed thirty-thousand-foot prayer. What one expects to be the end, isn’t the end at all.
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