Revisiting the Thirty-Thousand-Foot Prayer

The Thirty Thousand Foot Prayer is the Biggest Misunderstood Prayer

Introduction to the 30 Thousand Foot Prayer – Part 12

I need to give a thirty-thousand-foot view of what the thirty-thousand-foot prayer is. Anything you see from thirty-thousand-feet, everything beneath you, seems small and easy to manage. At this level you can see the entire picture and landscape. From this level, you’ve seen it done for others, you know it’s possible, and you can see what needs to happen.

Let me remind you that normal people have made “normal” assumptions to what prayer is and how it looks. They’ve even settled for normal results. Did you know that ordinary individuals think that prayer doesn’t work most of the time? I’d like to invite you to this conclusion. If normal people believe that prayer doesn’t work, would you not agree that normal people then receive very few answered prayers? In fact, they make prayer a last resort and long-shot if any at all.  Don’t make the normal assumptions of what prayer is.

You hear the words prayer and you think…

  • put my hands together
  • get on my knees
  • bow my head
  • close my eyes
  • recite some churchie words
  • start with “Our Father”
  • make God some promises
  • end with “Amen”

Let’s not make this common mistake, but let me give you the uncommon truth about prayer. Why? Because I hate the fact that people call themselves Christians, believers, and members of churches, yet don’t know how to pray and when they do they get the same results as any other ordinary person. I hate to believe that there are people who Sunday after Sunday attend church services and have the same results in prayer that a person who doesn’t go to church. You have to admit, there’s something wrong with that. 

Prayer is your project.
Prayer is your project; it is whatever it is you’re working on. 

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” –

“Pray about everything.”

So what’s everything? Everything. That’s everything you’re working on. It’s everything you’re involved in. It’s everything you’re concerned about. It’s everything. It excludes nothing. Look at your thirty-thousand-foot prayer as your biggest projects. It’s those ideas you have where you can already see how your dream looks once it’s completed. It’s the goals you have, such things as, but don’t limit it to these:

  • starting a business
  • finishing a degree
  • writing a book
  • planting a church
  • starting a family
  • planning your wedding
  • making a product
  • purchasing a home
  • getting a new job

It’s whatever project you have.

The thirty-thousand-foot prayer problem.
From the thirty-thousand-foot view, everything looks easy and simple. Writing a book looks simple. Starting a family looks simple. Obtaining a college education sounds simple. It’s not until you get on the ground that you truly find out how much ground must be covered. It’s on the ground, where being overwhelmed and uncertainty becomes reality. It’s on the ground where you’ll surely run into oppositions and setbacks. It’s on the ground where you find out how many class hours it takes to complete a degree. It’s on the ground where you find yourself facing a financial need to create your product. It’s on the ground where you’ll find you’ll need help and resources. 

This is why we must never stop praying. Prayer is us addressing our projects. Prayer is us talking to God about what’s going on in our life, so that He can offer us His thoughts, advice, and help.

“Never stop praying.” –

The uncommon never stop praying because we’ve learned to bring our prayer from thirty-thousand-feet to ground level.

The person who stops praying (which is common) is the person who leaves their prayer (their project) at thirty-thousand-feet. By the way, you can’t see nor contribute to making progress to your thirty-thousand-foot prayer when it’s at thirty-thousand feet. Don’t let your prayer, your project die. Never stop praying by bringing the project, your prayer down to the ground.

Whatever it is, do it with God’s help.
You can try to accomplish your thirty-thousand-foot prayer on your own. That’s what normal people do and this is where they fail. 

They have visions (ideas or dreams) of…

  • a better life
  • creating jobs for others.
  • living a life for Christ
  • making a difference in their community
  • having a lasting relationship

Yet because they don’t seek God’s help, you know what happens to the ordinary person’s vision? It dies with them when they die. In other words, they never accomplish it because they never realize that God wants to help do the work of that dream they saw from thirty-thousand-feet.

You see, everyone has a thirty-thousand-foot prayer, but not everyone knows what to do with one. A normal mistake is to leave it at thirty-thousand-feet, but I have good news. I want to show you how to bring it down to the ground. I want you to see your thirty-thousand-foot prayer answered and using the “Thirty-Thousand-Foot” theme I explain how.

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