A Push Towards Insanity

What It Takes to Push Beyond the Limit?

I Call Them eXtra-men – Part 5

Do you have a friend who encourages you to keep moving even when it looks like the race is over? This friend never wants to quit even if the time has expired.  Imagine what it takes to continue and convince someone else to continue when the clock reads no time left.

Pushing past the limits and even age

Shaun T. has a workout called “Insanity.”  And just like the name implies, anyone who attempts this workout challenge must be insane.  Well let me backup a bit. We have two God-sons and they’re both cut (and I mean cut) not only physically, but from a different mold.  They’re uncommon; you can’t find guys like this in everyday ordinary settings. One day several years ago, they got hooked up with these Shaun T. Insanity videos and in normal fashion made a visit to the house and while giving us their life’s updates, they mentioned the workout.  The younger lifts up his shirt with his 12-pack abs showing to prove that this video works and it’s not as bad as it sounds. They of course challenged Pamela and me to complete the 60-day workout. In normal (uncommon), Kerry Clark fashion, I said “you’re own”. Fast forwarding, after workout session one, I passed out, but we continued to complete the 60-day workout.  It was then I realized we all need people in our lives who can add value, hold us accountable, and root for us when we face life’s mountains. You see for me everything is a life lesson; it makes me uncommon and I want the same for you.

I’d like to share more on one of our God-sons who we’ll call “Mark”.  Let me share the gift he gives us and his super-power of finishing in the midst of adversity.

Believe it’s never too late to be great.

If I had to give him a name fit for a superhero, it would be “The Dreamer.”  That just sounds like a cool superhero name.

This guy has been around my family for a lifetime.  He would probably kill me if I mentioned or bragged on his profession, so I won’t.  Just know, he’s the only person in this profession that we know personally. He’s accomplished, but you’d never know it or hear him speak of it.  To him it’s just another walk in the park. What you’d never know, “Mark” certainly has had life throw a few challenges his way, but takes it all in stride as he continues to be all that he can be.  This guy in less than three years after completing his (serious) degree, obtained his dream job, quit it, and moved on because his dreams weren’t good enough. Who has dreams that are no longer good enough?  Only an uncommon person who reaches their dreams does that. Now he must dream again by setting larger dreams.

What I take from this guy is his youthfulness and ambition.  He convinces me to be “insane”, but in a good way. He teaches me to have “insane” dreams and goals.  “Insane” execution and resolve. “Insane” passion and drive. When you think you can’t, he will give you all the facts as to why you can.  This guy is like a son, I never had. It might be a case of kidnapping in a way; I call him my (God) son anyway. I often joke with his mother that she’s my “babies’ mamma.”  “Smart” isn’t a word I’d use to describe “Mark”; it’s too common a word. X-man? No! Extraordinary Man. eXtra-man, “The Dreamer.”

What kind of a person would push you to “insanity”, only one that is truly “insane” themselves.  You need someone around you who has some insane thinking. Some insane motivation. You need a friend like “The Dreamer”; a person gifted to see beyond normal barriers.

Until next week, evaluate another friend to uncover the gift they have within.  Don’t forget, share this web-post with as many as you can. Thanks for reading.

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