Returning to Reality After My Answered Prayer

Let me say this first, I’m not referencing our small prayers in this prayer exercise. My prayer, my biggest prayer, is over and now I’m left with a void. Where do I go next? What do I do next? Most people will try to return to their old reality and are unable to make that work.

“For the entire twelve years that I was governor of Judah—from the twentieth year to the thirty-second year of the reign of King Artaxerxes —neither I nor my officials drew on our official food allowance.”‭

Nehemiah found himself in this predicament. The work of his thirty-thousand-foot prayer was over and now it was time for him to return to reality. Due to what he put into his prayer, he went from the king’s cup-bearer to governor of Judah and now that the task was over, he returned to cup-bearer. Going back didn’t work because he changed. He was no longer a cup-bearer, but a governor. What happens when you’re no longer a cup-bearer, can’t return to your old way of life?

[Pray This]Lord, I’m lost. I’ve tried to return to the place where I was, but it’s not working. I’ve changed. I’m not the same. Will You show me figure out where I should go from here, in Jesus’ name.

Your Action (What action based on your prayer can you take?):
When a person changes, the old environment, situations, friend, you name it, won’t satisfy. It’s time you do what you’re meant to do. You will need help from God to figure out your next steps. Ask Him.

For more on this topic, see “Returning to Normal Once You’ve Been Changed.” 

Prayer Disclaimer Notice: prayer is not a miracle, it’s our conversation with God which gives us insight on how to respond to our situations and the world around us. For more detail, please review our prayer disclaimer notice in its entirety, available at

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