A Leader Knows More Before

John Maxwell says that a leader knows more and knows more before. More than who? More than the normal or average person. Know more before the normal average person. Therefore a leader has thinking that’s not normal or average in nature. How can you become one of those who know more and more before? How can you become this leader?

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “…command Pharaoh to let the people of Israel leave…But I will make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn…Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you. So I will bring down my fist on Egypt…and bring out the Israelites…””

I know what you might be thinking. What does Moses, Pharaoh, Egypt and the Israelites have to do with becoming a leader? It’s easy to miss. Notice what’s happening above. Moses in a conversation with God and receiving instructions. These instructions reveal the request of Pharaoh and the response he is going to give before he gives it. In other words, Moses saw more and more before because he prayed, he communicated with God. When you communicate with God, He’ll take you from average thinking to uncommon thinking. From follower to leader.

[Pray This]

Lord, will You talk to me like you talked to Moses. In my area of influence will You show me more and more before the average person. Make me the leader You want me to be, in Jesus’ name.

Your Action (What action based on your prayer can you take?):
Get comfortable asking God what next step you should take. Ask Him to show you more before.

For more on this topic, see “The Prayer That Produces A Leader.

Prayer Disclaimer Notice: prayer is not a miracle, it’s our conversation with God which gives us insight on how to respond to our situations and the world around us. For more detail, please review our prayer disclaimer notice in its entirety, available at nolongercommon.com/nlc-prayer-disclaimer.  

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