Enemy to Ally
There are times where we mislabel or misclassify the people who do life with. For example, in a blend-family environment, you might treat your child(ren)’s other parent or step-parent as if they’re the enemy. It sounds normal to do so, but where has normal thinking ever gotten you? To normal results. You have to admit that in such scenarios you don’t want normal results.
“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy.
When you mislabel or misclassify a person as an enemy you feel that you have grounds to hate them. Step back for a second and think about the person whom you’ve declared an enemy. In our example would you really say that the person who loves your child(ren) more than anyone else could possibly be your enemy? Sounds like normal thinking has led to normal misclassification. You might want to rethink all those whom you’ve declared an enemy and by the way, just because you’ve declared them an enemy doesn’t get you out of loving them.
[Pray This]
Lord, I’ve made the common mistake of classifying this person as my enemy, when in reality they’re my neighbor, my ally. If You would, help me to repair this relationship so that we can work together to achieve a goal where we both benefit. In Jesus’ name.
Your Action (What action based on your prayer can you take?):
Take a moment and list the ways that person who your thought was your enemy is helping you reach a common goal.
For more on this topic, see “Mislabeled As An Enemy.”
Prayer Disclaimer Notice: prayer is not a miracle, it’s our conversation with God which gives us insight on how to respond to our situations and the world around us. For more detail, please review our prayer disclaimer notice in its entirety, available at nolongercommon.com/nlc-prayer-disclaimer.
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