When My Opposition is Getting the Best of Me?
I know the easiest action to take is to give up, turn back or turn around. That’s normal, but the problem is, you were trying to do something that’s not normal. That means you don’t get to do any of the things that normal people do like quit, or turn around or turn back. Instead you get to push forward, stay the course, and fight for success.
“[when my opposition, setback and adversity showed up] Then I prayed”
– bible.com/116/neh.4.4-5.nlt
These were Nehemiah’s words. When trouble made its way to Nehemiah’s thirty-thousand-foot prayer, the Bible says he prayed. He didn’t give up, or cave in. He prayed. What will you do in the face of your opposition?
[Pray This]Lord, my opposition is stopping my progress. I feel like quitting. I’m reminded of something that John Maxwell says. “Everything worthwhile is uphill.” In other words, I see now that what I’m doing isn’t easy like going downhill. Lord, give me the strength, encouragement, and tenacity to overcome my setbacks, oppositions and adversities in Jesus’ name.
Your Action:
(What action based on your prayer can you take?)
No matter what I face, I can’t quit. Today I find a way to move forward at all costs.
For more on this topic, see “Don’t Let the Haters Get to You.”
Prayer Disclaimer Notice: prayer is not a miracle, it’s our conversation with God which gives us insight on how to respond to our situations and the world around us. For more detail, please review our prayer disclaimer notice in its entirety, available at nolongercommon.com/nlc-prayer-disclaimer.
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