Expecting Results Without A Connection?
I wonder what type of person wishes to pray a big prayer, but have no connection with whom he prays? Think about it for a minute. Normal people attempt big prayers everyday, but have no connection with God. This being the case, what type of results does one think that will produce?
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me [have a connection], and I in them, will produce much fruit [results]. For apart from me you can do nothing.”
– bible.com/bible/116/JHN.15.5.NLT
You know I hate to burst a person’s bubble in thinking that prayer is a simple exchange for anyone to make. Does it work occasionally yes, but I’m not talking about how to get an occasional answer when you can get results more often than you don’t. It starts with making a connection with the true vine, that’s Jesus. If that scenario interests you, let’s do it.
[Pray This] Our Father in Heaven, I wish to have a life full of results. I know it’s not normal because it’s not normal behavior to be and remain connected with You. Therefore, I choose to be one the uncommon one, I remain attached to You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Your Action:
(What action based on your prayer can you take?)
Because being connected to God is not normal, I seek the people, tools and habits that ensure I remain attached to the vine, Jesus.
For more on this topic, see “A Connection That Makes All the Difference.”
Prayer Disclaimer Notice: prayer is not a miracle, it’s our conversation with God which gives us insight on how to respond to our situations and the world around us. For more detail, please review our prayer disclaimer notice in its entirety, available at nolongercommon.com/nlc-prayer-disclaimer.
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