We Can Not Afford Not To Plan
What if you just don’t know how to plan? What if the idea of planning intimidates? That would only mean we need to find a way around the intimidation and/or the lack of knowing how. We can not afford not to plan.
“A wise man thinks ahead; a fool doesn’t and even brags about it!” – Proverbs 13:16 TLB
It’s impossible to be wise and not think ahead. A person who doesn’t think ahead is foolish in how he/she handles how they…
– make decisions
– manage their resources
– maintain their dwelling
– keep their records
– perform their work
– promote themselves
– care for their family and
– impact the world around them.
If this is a concern for you…
[Pray This]
Lord, teach me how to plan so that I can be wise in all my ways. It’s up to me to exchange foolishness for wisdom in all areas of my life, in Jesus’ name.
Your Action
(What action based on your prayer can you take?):
Here’s the action I must take, I will create a family plan to live by. I will spend time thinking of what I want and what God wants for me, write it down and follow those instructions for my life.
For more on this topic, see “Stop Now and Begin Your Plan.”
Prayer Disclaimer Notice: prayer is not a miracle, it’s our conversation with God which gives us insight on how to respond to our situations and the world around us. For more detail, please review our prayer disclaimer notice in its entirety, available at nolongercommon.com/nlc-prayer-disclaimer.
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