My Ordinary Work

Ordinary Just Won’t Do

What It Takes for You to Become the Difference – Part 4

Generally when I communicate with God, I’m focused on some preset topics, possibly some scripture that I read, some major crisis going on in life, the future of our family, things like that. The focus is on, you know, prayerful things. One morning, interestingly enough, as I was reviewing our team’s updates that went out the previous night, which included the activities for each person, or department in this case, is working on, the Lord planted this thought in my mind and said to me (right down on the inside), here’s what I want you to pray about (place before Me). Pray about every person, every assignment, the ordinary work that you have going on, I want you to pray about it all.

“You have six days each week for your ordinary work,”‭‭

You don’t want them to remain ordinary.
Here’s my takeaway from this experience. He says, the reason I need you to pray about the ordinary work and assignments that your guys are working on, is because I know you don’t want them to remain ordinary. In fact, you want them to be extraordinary. You want them to be exceptional, you want them to be great, you want them to be above average, you want them to come back with significance, you want them to grow and progress, and have supernatural ability on those assignments, you want them, the people, to be supernatural, you don’t want them to remain ordinary, normal, standard, or common. You want them to be extra, over the top, a cut above, a step ahead, you want them to go the extra mile. You want them to do things with extra on it, you want them to be exceptional, un-ordinary, uncommon, no longer average. You want them to go beyond par, you want them to do great things.

I would imagine you want the same for your team, your family, your work, your friends, your church, your life. The basis of a thirty-thousand-foot prayer is to descend from thirty-thousand-feet to ground level. It’s to bring your prayer down to a place where you can see and manage offering the pieces up before God. It’s your level where the simple (not small) prayers move into more specific prayer requests. It’s you putting the work in.

You pray over the ordinary things so they won’t remain ordinary.
I was thinking about those assignments as I was praying, which led me to this question. When was the last time you prayed for the ordinary business, the ordinary work, the ordinary assignments that you have going on in your life, your home, or your career? When did you pray for the last test you prepared for? When was the last time you prayed for that dinner you were about to prepare? When was the last time you prayed over the recipe you found on Pinterest? When was the last time you prayed over the ordinary things in your life so that they would no longer be ordinary, but extraordinary?

My prayer for you today is that you take the ordinary things of your life, place them before God so they too can be extraordinary, in Jesus name. You don’t want them to remain ordinary. If you wanted them to remain normal, you would have never prayed the prayer in the first place. You pray over the ordinary things so they won’t remain ordinary. You see, my conclusion is this. Someone told you that you’d have to accept normal results in whatever it is you’re facing, so you prayed. That means you weren’t satisfied with common results. Rather, you made up in your mind that you’d pursue different results, take a different routine, and find an alternative for getting beyond normal results. This, my friend, is the reason you prayed a thirty-thousand-foot prayer in the first place.

Question: what would it make happen for you if you went beyond ordinary results?

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Reference #1: ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭20:9‬ ‭NLT,, accessed February 24, 2021, ‬‬
All Scripture references used by permission, see our Scripture copyrights. 

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