No Longer Lonely
A Season of Loneliness – Part 4
Loneliness occurs when you expect others to do what only God can do. It’s no different in your relationships; you expect your significant other to bring you happiness, satisfaction and joy, but these things come only from God. A person can’t give you this.
All relationships go south when you place God-expectations on a human; unfortunately this is normal behavior.
You see these results every day.
- When you place God-expectations on your local church and Pastor, they can’t do what God can. You expect healing of a loved one or financial assistance and your church let’s you down or falls short in providing the answer you desire. You want to give up on God because you placed God-expectations on a human-being.
- When your marriage or relationship has problems we want to give up or get a divorce. Because we’re normal, we place God-expectations on our significant other and when they fail us or can’t read our minds we then have big issues.
- When on the job we’re overlooked time and time again, because we’re normal and we placed God-expectations on the companies that we work for, we stop giving it our best efforts.
- When the economy isn’t going in the direction that we think it should, because we’re normal, we place God-expectations on a candidate that has the best one-liner slogan. Only to be disappointed, because we’re common, we begin to talk negatively on elected officials instead of doing something ourselves.
I see a theme here. Normal is no longer working. In the absence of God in any relationship, being normal, you seek God-results and the person always falls short. They disappoint you. They hurt you. They abandon you. They betray you. When you try to do life-without God, people can’t live up to your expectations and it produces loneliness. When you take this pressure off of them and place it back on whom it belongs-God, then you experience freedom from loneliness.
Question: What are you relying on a person to provide that only God can give you?
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Loneliness: Most Common Emotional Pain
Alone and Feeling Rejected
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Switch Off Loneliness
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