Myths: The Number 1 Cause of Ordinary Living

Being No-Longer-Common 101 Part 3

Myths: The Number 1 Cause of Ordinary Living

STOP! Read beyond this point at your own risk…it will change you. Reading beyond this point will cause something on the inside of you to ignite. You might even get a little aggravated at the same time. I will consider this a good sign. Think of it like this; “common” is beginning to ooze out and “no-longer-common” is beginning to slide in.

In the previous message, “Myths: A Result of Being Normal”, we gave the first 5 of 10 examples of myths. I want to jump right back in and pick up with the other five. Keep in mind that there are many, many other myths. We’re sure you have some and are thinking of more as you read this. Consider leaving us your myths in a comment.

Myth 6: Thou shall not kill. You are destined to spend eternity in Hell if you’re found guilty of this commandment. Most of us hopefully have never killed another human-being. What about our soldiers and police officers who are protecting our freedoms? Are they guilty of committing one of the most commonly known commandments? But does this commandment only refer to human-beings? What happens when ordinary people tell you that because you’ve killed another living creature that you’re going to Hell? What will you do-fall prey to “common”? Did you know that the greatest characters in the Bible are guilty of killing another person-Samson, David, Paul? What does that mean for them? The simple fact is that there must be something we’re missing. We’ve read and this actual phrase-thou shall not kill-means we shouldn’t shed innocent blood. Again, we’re not myth slayers, we’re just trying to illustrate why being “no-longer-common” is so important. Moving on…

Myth 7: Wives are subservient to their husbands. We love this one. We have heard men, the church, priests, preachers and even other women say that you, a wife, must submit to her husband. “Common” would have you believe that within marriage a wife is inferior to her husband. But, have you ever considered what God gave Adam-the first man? Yes, I’m referring to Eve. He,God, made Eve Adam’s equal partner. He, God, gave them a mission to accomplish together as equal partners. A wife is subservient? That’s not what God intended. Check it out for yourself in the book of Genesis.. We know for some of you Bible scholars, you want me to mention “wives submit to your husband…” mentioned in Ephesians by the Apostle Paul, but we’re not going there today. I would love to get into that one, but not today. I encourage you to read that passage over again.

Myths 2

Myth 8: Money is the root of all evil. Wow! There’s not enough time for me to do this justice. Just think of this. If money is the root of all evil, then why is it that all churches ask for it in some shape, form, or fashion? It would seem to me that the church, who is anti-evil, would stay as far away from it as possible. Jesus even said that [anything that would lead you to be tempted cut it off, even if it’s a body part.][script4] Why then would any of us have any money? Just think about.

When we originally delivered this message, I told a story about a pastor that I knew who declared “money cometh to me now!” His message created much controversy in the church. I was asked what I thought about it and I’d like to share it with you.

  1. I’m for Christ. What about you? I have the attitude of the Apostle Paul. If any one, promotes Christ, I’m for them. No matter their motive. This pastor referenced above is for Christ. We, as His followers, have enough going against us than to be against ourselves.
  2. I don’t understand every body part. There are parts of the human body that I don’t even know exist. There are others that I can see and others I can’t. I can’t begin to tell you that I understand what all of it does. My point-the body of Christ is no different. Picture this. You’re apart of the right hand and you’re critiquing the left-hand for doing their job. You’re trying to tell the right foot how to walk when as a member of the right hand, all you know is your assignment. We are a part of something bigger than just our small part and we must work together. Don’t be a polluted Christian or a polluted member of some church, be uncommon. Let’s show Our Savior that we can be different. The only way for us to demonstrate our love to the world-those who are “common”-is by loving one another. That means we must be for our fellow brothers not against even if we don’t understand their roles and functions.

Myth 9: God requires a lot from me. The short answer is no He doesn’t. I remember deciding to give Jesus my all. During those days, my friends worried about what that meant we had to give up. I would imagine, today, just like then, Christianity isn’t the most glamorous lifestyle to have. This is totally untrue. Jesus came so that you, who thought you had something great-could have something better-“life.” You see the truth is, you’ve not lived until you’ve surrendered to Him. The point I’d like to make is that the things I thought I was giving up had no replacement. I’ve come to find out that what I gave up can’t compare to what I’ve gained. It’s the difference between you being ordinary and you becoming extra-ordinary.

Myth 10: Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday. This myth is by far my favorite. All my life as a person who attends church regularly. I’ve heard the ministers say that Jesus died on Friday-good Friday- and He rose early Sunday morning. Out of the same mouth, I would hear that Jesus was dead for 3 days. Here’s what’s interesting, the Bible never says that Jesus died on a Friday. Friday evening to early Sunday doesn’t give you three days or three nights.

I hope these myths haven’t taken us too far off subject. We must realize that everything that’s presented to us isn’t the truth. Many of the concepts and ideas we’ve grown up with are myths. Is it possible that these myths are responsible for you living a life that’s average? What about having a job and career that’s mediocre? How about a family that’s normal? A lifestyle just like everyone else? Let’s leave the myths behind. Truth is found only in one place, your Bible. You see my Bible can’t give you the truth you need, only yours can. Being unlike others, will require you to pursue being unlike others for yourself. “Being No-Longer-Common 101” is about getting the basics established first and building from there.

The No-Longer-Common Action: What have myths taken from you? Leave your response and comments on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

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