Praying when “Maybe I Am Wrong”
Navigating Spiritual Disappointment – Part 2
I Prayed and God Let Me Down – Part 5
David and Bathsheba – Maybe You Are Wrong and God Won’t Have It.
Example number two is David and Bathsheba. The key takeaway from their example is this. Maybe you are wrong, and God won’t have it. Sometimes God just won’t bless our actions. Let me share David and Bathsheba’s story with you.
David had literally taken another man’s wife. When I say “taken”, he took using his authority as a king. He committed murder by placing this husband on the frontline of battle so that his life would be ended. Do you see the challenges with that already? David desired another man’s wife (Bathsheba) so badly that he had him killed in battle. What a start to a relationship. There was infidelity, adultery, murder, deception, lies, abuse of power, just to name what standouts. Sounds like a Netflix series for sure.
Looking at this scenario, one can see all the things that went wrong. David and Bathsheba found themselves in a circumstance where God’s punishment was levied upon them. [2] This circumstance isn’t hard to understand until we put ourselves in their shoes. From the outside looking in, we agree that they should endure the consequences of their actions. However, when it is us, we want grace no matter what course of action we take. Unfortunately, the consequence of their actions was the life of their son.
While that may seem harsh, it is what it is. Here it is considering the actions that led to it. Sometimes our action creates problems in our lives, and we think it is God’s doing, when in all actuality it is because of our actions. Ordinary people feel better when they can blame God and let themselves off the hook for their wrong actions.
David fasted and prayed. He knew what he had done was wrong. How many times have you identified when you are wrong and said I need to get myself right? Not only did he pray, but he paired his praying with fasting. Nonetheless, this child of David and Bathsheba died. From the surface, it would appear as if God let them down. [3]
To be honest, it should have been their lives on the line, maybe even their union. However, because of David fasting and praying, God, although this circumstance was wrong, changed an ordinary, normal situation’s outcome into something beautiful. These two were rectified, started a family, and that family ended up in producing the greatest king, whoever lived, Solomon. [4] Our wrong comes with consequences that God has a way to redeem, correct, alter, and transform. You must remember that maybe it could be your wrongdoing that results in the feeling that God has let you down. Even when we are wrong, which is more often than we are right, God has to find a way to turn your “no” into His “yes” for your life.
Questions: In what area can you identify that you have been blaming God when in fact it was something you did that was wrong?
[2] 2 Samuel 12:15-23 MSG,, accessed November 17, 2023,
[3] 2 Samuel 12:16, 18-19, 22 NLT,, accessed November 17, 2023,,18-19,22.nlt
[4] 2 Samuel 12:24-25 MSG,, accessed November 17, 2023,
All Scripture references used by permission, see our Scripture copyrights.
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