From Last Choice to 1st Choice

Why would anyone select you to do anything worthwhile?

David stood there with his brothers.  He probably had no idea what was going on.  Being the last and least of his siblings, the last thing on his mind was to be selected for anything of significance.  In fact, his brothers never selected him. His dad counted him out. They all discounted him. Could that be your story?

“So as David stood there among his brothers [everyone else], Samuel took the flask of olive oil he had brought and anointed David with the oil. And the Spirit of the Lord [the spirit that makes one extraordinary] came powerfully upon David from that day on. Then Samuel returned to Ramah.” –

Samuel took the flask of olive oil he had brought and anointed David with the oil.
Then it happened, the moment everyone had been waiting for since Samuel’s arrival.  The oil began to flow and to everyone’s surprise, astonishment, and amazement, David was being anointed for greatness.  He was leaving ordinary behind. “Common” would now be in his rearview mirror. Normal would no longer be an identifier.  Couldn’t we use a little bit of that?

The Force Gives You Present-Day-Power
And the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on
Here’s the most important piece.  David needed help, just like we need help.  He needed a transformation. Before he was anointed, he was just David.  Average, ordinary, normal, nothing special. He needed something to change him from his current state to a new future state.  He needed something that was able to get rid of the old person and make him something new, a new creation. That’s what The Force, God’s spirit does.    His spirit doesn’t do all this crazy unbelievable stuff that others have scared (and scarred) us with and even embarrassed us with. God’s spirit does amazing unbelievable things.  It takes ordinary ole me (and you) and turns us into the me (and you) everyone wants and even needs. Not the people who others wish to avoid.

From that moment forward, David was never the same.  He went from being the last choice to the best of the best.  I offer the same for you. I declare from the moment you accept God’s spirit on your life, then you too will never be the same again.  This Force, His spirit has the power to make even you great. If you’re familiar with the story of David, King David, you should know that he didn’t start acting weird, strange, or spooky.  He began doing things others wished and dreamed of doing. Leading. Winning. Encouraging. Astonishing. The people even made songs around his great accomplishments.

Side note: Notice that when the Spirit of God [The Holy Spirit, The Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit] came not just on him, but powerfully on him, David didn’t pass out.  He didn’t start “shouting” or screaming. He didn’t start speaking in tongues or unknown languages. If you continue reading He went to work in his new role but this time he had God’s help.  That’s what happens when the Holy Ghost/Spirit comes on you. Let me get back on track.

An Ordinary Person Changes into the Most Uncommon of Men
Then Samuel returned to Ramah.
When Samuel, who was also extraordinary, had accomplished the mission he was sent to do, he returned to where he had came from.  Mission accomplished. He got to participate in the changing of an ordinary boy into the most uncommon of men—a king. This is the true attribute of one filled with The Spirit, we change ordinary men into someone greater.

What are you waiting on for your transformation?  Some of us have settled for being someone else’s last choice.   Let me tell you this, you are no one’s last choice. Just like David, you can go from the back of the pack to the front of the pack.  From shepherd to king. From broken to whole. From laughing stock to comedian. From homeless to landlord. All it takes is just one touch of His spirit-the spirit that makes us uncommon.  Holy is not what you think!

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