In-Line To Meet God
The Only Chance to See God – Part 2
How can I give myself the best chance to be unlike anyone else? Picking up from our previous web-post, is it possible to meet the One who can take us from ordinary living to extraordinary living? From normal standards to excellent standards? From living like everyone else to living like no one else? From common work habits to exceptional work habits?
Let’s dig in a little deeper. Ordinary living isn’t enough and if you thought it was you’ll soon learn it’s no longer enough. Ordinary living won’t do it. In other words, you’re not satisfied with having an ordinary, normal, average life.
Let’s take this topic to some higher thinking, being “normal”, can’t even get you in the line to meet God.
Meet The President
This next point will help make more sense out of what I just said. In the same way it’s not possible for all normal people to meet the president of the United States, what would make us think that normal people can meet the president of the universe? Some people might argue this point as there are some who have had the honor of meeting a president. The point is this, on any “normal” day and under “normal” conditions, a normal person won’t meet the president of the United States. In the same way, a normal person under normal conditions won’t meet the president of the universe.
So then what does it take to get in line to meet the most powerful force there is?
Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. –
Now for the requirements.
If you take this verse of scripture literally, it says those who are not “holy”, can’t even see God. Would you consider yourself holy? How about holy according to God? Of course this is the best way or least impacting way to view this scripture. What if God didn’t want to talk to you unless you were holy? How would that sit with you? Looks to me like more people would try to figure out what this word actually means.
What holy is not?
Holy is not speaking in tongues.
Holy is not wearing long dresses and no makeup.
Holy is not praying all day long without living a productive life.
Holy is not isolating yourself to your church and church people.
In fact, it’s none of these. The Bible says that God is holy so we must be holy. In others words, we need to be like Him. I’ve never read where God spoke in tongues, but I have seen where He spoke to the dust of the ground and created life. I’ve never read where Jesus ask the women of His church to wear long dresses and no makeup, but rather empowered them and even released them from the wrong others condemned them of. Holy? Simply put, is unlike common men.
Are you interested in standing in the line of people that very few will stand? Are you interested in doing what normal people find impossible to do? Are you ready to become someone the world is interested in seeing? Or is ordinary enough for you? Holy is not what you think!
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