Hebrews 13:5 Can My Feelings Be Trusted?
I believe that one of the keys to life is that we must be satisfied with our present circumstances. Satisfied! Being satisfied doesn’t mean giving up on your dreams of something better.
Let your manner of life be without love of money, being satisfied with your present circumstances. For He himself has said, and the statement is on record, –I will not, I will not cease to sustain and uphold you. I will not, I will not, I will not let you down. (Hebrews 13:5 WUEST)
Have confidence that He, GOD, will continue to sustain and uphold you always. He never will or wants to let you down.
Common, every day, ordinary people live by their feelings. It’s normal to allow our feelings to predict or define our circumstances and situations. For example, if I feel tired; then I am tired. If I feel sick; then I am sick. It’s common place to believe that our feelings are an indicator of what’s true within ourselves.
Uncommon people, those who are no longer living like the rest, put their feelings aside. Their feelings no longer dictate their circumstances or behavior; giving them a different basis for what is true for their life.
Now you decide, can your feelings be trusted?
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