Getting Perfect Peace from Trust

No Longer Common in Scripture

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!” – Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 26:3 NLT)

No Longer Common Today

Trust is a very strong word. Sadly, it is one thing that people find hard to give because of the expectation that it is eventually going to be broken.

Why do people stop trusting? Is it because of the fact that other people are not to be trusted? Lack of trust often leads to chaos, stress, and loss of control. This is one of the main reasons why a lot of people today lack the peace that, ironically, they are always looking for.

Wekk-7-pic-300x185aWhat people often do not understand is that there is only one thing that can restore this peace. Only the act of putting our full trust in the Lord, instead of in people, will bring order back into our lives. Trusting the Lord would mean surrendering to His plans and His will, knowing that this is the only way to achieve the happiness that has always been due to us. Trusting Him will allow our thoughts to be transfixed only on Him, making all other things unworthy of our trust seem trivial and unimportant. This will mean that all these other things that normal people would usually put their trust on would not affect you anymore. It will not bring the usual emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual pain that lack of trust usually brings. This is because God is always faithful to His promises, and will never let us experience the broken trust that we get from people.

Put your trust back in the Lord because He is the only one who knows what is truly good for us.

iPray Everyday

Lord, we understand now why it has been hard to find the peace that we have always been longing for. Now that we realize that only You can bring us perfect peace, we surrender our whole lives to You and give You our full trust which only You truly deserve. In Jesus’ name.

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