Become a Standout
What it Takes to be More Than the Rest – Part 3
Takeaway 2: Become a standout
“He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel…”
He, Jabez, did something normal people don’t. He was the one who prayed. Jabez was not like anyone else. He did what his brothers didn’t do. He simply prayed.
Now let me ask a question, did you know that most people don’t pray? They say they do, but the truth is they don’t. And to carry this thought just a little further, most people don’t even know how to or where to begin when it relates to prayer. I know you’re thinking “everyone prays!” Well, here’s the test, if everyone prays, ask them to pray for you.
People who pray have undeniable results that are evident in their lives. The same was true with Jabez, “God granted him his request.” You see, people who pray and don’t see or get results, haven’t prayed. The truth is when you pray… God does hear you.
Back to the accounts of Jabez, we’ve focused so much on what he prayed that we missed what made Jabez so special. He did what none of his brothers would do in that he prayed.
You want success in your life? Pray.
If you want the success Jabez had, Pray.
If you want to be more honorable than the rest, Pray.
If you want to stand out, be different, uncommon, Pray.
If you want to become no-longer-common, Pray!
If you want uncommon results in your life, you must do and take the steps that no common person will take, Pray!
The No-Longer-Common Action: What can you do differently in the way that you pray, to become a stand out like Jabez in that God grants your request? Leave your response on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
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