The Un-spooky Ghost 

The Holy Ghost Will… Part 2

Could it be that those I thought were further along (than me) didn’t know (or have) the “Holy Ghost” [The Force] at all?

As you read this, “may the force be with you!”  I just like saying that. As I take you to Jedi school to learn all about “The Force”, in this case “The Spirit”, we all need to know what we’re talking about.  

The Name of This Force
From where I sit, it’s hard to imagine a person not knowing or having heard of the “Holy Spirit”, just like it’s unimaginable for someone to have not heard the phrase, “may the force be with you.”  When I was younger, they called The Holy Spirit, The “Holy Ghost”. Some prefer “spirit” over “ghost”. To me, they both sound about the same and our society has placed a negative spin on each term, no matter which you use.  However, everyone is good with “The Force”, even the dark-side of “The Force”. How is that?

The Extreme Opposite
Let’s dissect it a bit.  The Bible uses a term to clarify the type of spirit or ghost by using the word, “holy”.  When you place the word “holy” in front of it, that word spirit or ghost no longer has a common meaning.  What this does is change the whole meaning. Holy, unlike what you commonly imagine, is this spirit or ghost. The Holy Spirit is far different than you could ever conceive and the evil spirit’s extreme opposite.  In the same way, common thinking would have you image a ghost to be spooky, but not the Holy Ghost; He’s the extreme opposite. He’s not spooky at all.

What are people missing out on when those who know the secret of “the force” (“the spirit”) don’t share this knowledge with others?  It keeps them from being a Jedi master, an uncommon master of their skills, gifts, and talents.

What You Might Be Missing Out On?
“While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled through the interior regions until he reached Ephesus, on the coast, where he found several believers [those who made the decision to be uncommon]. “Did you receive the Holy Spirit [the spirit that aids your quest to be uncommon] when you believed?” he asked them. “No,” they replied, “we haven’t even heard that there is a Holy Spirit [the spirit that makes you uncommon].”” –

As you see in the verse above, there were disciples of Jesus, called believers, who didn’t know that “The Holy Spirit” existed.  Telling them about the Holy Spirit for the 1st time and being accountable to what they know of Him are very distinct matters. So, I need to tell you what I know of The Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit = God’s Spirit. There it is. You say you know God, then you must know Him in spirit. It’s the spirit He uses to make us unique, uncommon, and unlike anyone else. He uses His spirit to make us special and distinguished, a cut above and first class people.  Don’t take it for granted that people know what you know. Just because they appear to be miles ahead doesn’t mean they are. Holy is not what you think and many believers have never heard of such a spirit.

May The Spirit Be With You!

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